A New Day Has Dawned

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"Each evening, from December to December, before you drift to sleep upon your cot, think back on all the tales that you remember, of Camelot... Ask every person if he's heard the story, and tell it strong and clear if he has not, that once there was a fleeting wisp of glory, called Camelot... Where once it never rained till after sundown, by eight am the morning fog had flawn... Don't let it be forgot, that once there was a spot, for one brief shining moment that was known as Camelot."- Alan Jay Lerner

The seeds of a legacy were planted. Despite the tragedy that had occurred in Dallas and the battle that was being fought in Ft. Hood, Jack's legacy was now shaped to stand the test of time. Jackie oversaw every detail of her interview with Theodore White, making notes in his draft columns to highlight details she wanted to stress and points she wanted to make. As White dictated his copy to the Life Magazine editors over the phone in the maid's quarters, Jackie listened with a journalist's ear and a wife's protectiveness to ensure that the $30,000 per hour cost to hold the press for her article would be worth the wait.

Concluding their meeting at nearly 2 AM, John Kennedy's legacy and perhaps his myth had now been cemented in copy for future generations to study and ponder. Would some wonder what became of the young president, tragically struck down in broad daylight by a would be assassins bullet or would his life and legacy continue to evolve as he fought his way back from the brink of death to once again lead the nation with courage, grace and idealism. The future, however, was still in question 2000 miles away and Jackie was anxious to return to her husband's bedside.

Having spoken to Bobby shortly before White's arrival and him having reassured her that he would call immediately should there be any change in Jack's condition, Jackie was able to finally lay-down in her and Jack's bed for what she hoped a comfortable nights rest. But her desire to sleep was overruled with her longing for her husband's presence and nightmares of the last seven days. Tossing and turning endlessly, Jackie kept having dreams of the Dallas motorcade, visions of Jack's blood all over her and sounds of the machines flat lining. Waking up in pools of sweat and tears, Jackie kept reaching over to Jack's side of the bed in hopes of finding him there only to be thrown back into the reality that the last seven days hadn't been a dream but rather the nightmare she'd been living. Unable to find peace and comfort in hers and Jack's bed, Jackie decided to go downstairs for a hot cup of tea and a bit of fresh Cape Cod early morning air.

Wrapped in a soft, white down blanket over her pink cotton bathrobe, Jackie stretched out on the veranda chair overlooking the shores she and Jack loved to walk along. Some of the best times of their marriage was spent along these shorelines.....midnight strolls away from the glaring eyes of the public, intimate conversations which usually always ended up with intimate returns to their bedroom, Kennedy family touch football games that although Jackie didn't partake in, she enjoyed watching, family picnics and sails. This was their home, the one place they could always return to when they needed strength and grounding. The Kennedy family compound was home and Jackie needed Jack home to complete their family.

As she lay there, listening to the sounds of the waves crashing upon the shore, feeling the chill of the November air settle upon her cheeks and staring at the nights sky of a million twinkling stars that had become ever so bright after the storms of the previous nightfall, Jackie could feel Jack's presence with her. A sense of calm and comfort had settled in her. As she closed her eyes, she no longer had visions of Dallas, nor heard sounds of gun shots or felt feelings of despair and fright. She could now hear Jack's voice whispering her name, she could feel the warmth of Jack's touch against her cold skin and she finally felt the peace and comfort she longed for since Dallas. Drifting into a peaceful sleep, Jackie lay on the veranda as a new day began to dawn along the shores of Cape Cod. 

End of Innocence- November 1963Where stories live. Discover now