Departure for Texas

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The rising sun illuminated the Washington skies in the early morning hours of November 21, 1963. The birds sang as the morning breeze swayed the fall leaves on the nearly bare trees. As the sun's rays shone through the White House rooms, the ruffle of people waking could be heard through the noiseless hallways.

It was nearly 7 am and the President and Mrs. Kennedy were scheduled to depart for Texas at 10 am. A loud rack came upon their door, echoing through the otherwise quite residence.

"Mr. President," George hollered, "Its 7 am sir." Knowing when it was acceptable and when it wasn't to enter the bedroom to wake the President, George waited at the door to hear the all clear to enter or the acknowledgment that he was awake. George would usually enter the President's room prior to knocking on his and Jackie's room, lay out his clothes and start his bath water. If Jack was in his own bed, which he rarely was these days, George would wake him as he opened the curtains allowing the sun to shine through the bright, large windows.

"Thank you George," a soft whispered voice could be heard muffled through the door.

"Jack honey," Jackie whispered as she snuggled close into Jack's sleeping embrace, rubbing his bare chest trying to nudge him awake.

"Huh, umm, errr," Jack grumbled as he shifted his body closer into Jackie, wrapping his free arm over his chest and around her naked body.

They usually made a habit of re-dressing after their evenings of passion so as not to be "caught" in the act should someone come barging into their room with some emergency or thoughtless intrusion but that night, they got caught up in the moment and gave no care to the possibility of "being caught." Jack was totally uninhibited so to him, the thought was of no concern, to Jackie on the other hand, being "caught" in a compromising position such as that was humiliating but she was becoming more at ease with the "oh well" view point that Jack took.

"Jack, darling, time to get up, we have to get ready," Jackie whispered again trying to entice her husband to wake up.

"To hell with Texas," Jack moaned, "I'm staying right here with you," he continued as he turned his body closer into Jackie's bare skin, wrapping his arms even tighter around her. "I have a much better idea," he whispered, "Let's just stay in bed all day and make love and Lyndon can deal with all those Texans," he smiled as he started to pull Jackie on top of him and kiss her neck.

Now straddling him, Jackie moaned as she felt his tender lips on her neck and his warm body against hers, "Nothing could make me happier my love but you know we can't and if we want to spend any time with the children before we leave, we need to get up," she sighed as she buried her head into Jack's neck.

"OK, OK, I guess, but my idea is way better," he smiled devilishly having been slightly aroused by his wife's body on top of him.

A sudden rack came on the door again startling the couple. "Mr. President, the Attorney General is here to see you sir," George hollered again.

"What the hell does he want at this hour of the morning," Jack growled as he started to get out of the bed and put his shorts on. Jackie quickly jumped out of the bed and ran into her dressing room tearing the sheets off the bed as she took off.

"Come in Bobby," Jack exclaimed! "What the hell are you doing here at his hour," he said annoyed as his brother walked in.

"Better question is what the hell have you been doing in here," Bobby smirked as he winked at his brother noticing the dismayed bed and his brothers bulging groin.

"I don't suppose that's any of your damn business Bob," Jack grumbled back. "What so you want?"

"I just wanted to wish you and Jackie farewell and safe travels. You know Texas isn't going to be easy so I hope you're ready?" Bobby replied.

End of Innocence- November 1963Where stories live. Discover now