The Next 48 Hours

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As the early morning hours of November 23rd, 1963 began to crepe it's way through the dewy fog and misty rain, even the heavens felt as if they were holding vigil for President Kennedy. A sad calmness appeared to blanket the nation as the reality of Friday's events sank in. Never before had an American President been shot in broad daylight on a downtown city street. People across the nation looked for answers and comfort as they awaited news updates on the president's condition.

Returning to Washington to tend to government business in the presidents absence, Vice President Johnson addressed the nation upon landing at Andrews Air Force Base. 

"This is a sad time for all people and we have suffered a loss that cannot be weighed

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"This is a sad time for all people and we have suffered a loss that cannot be weighed. For me it is a deep personal tragedy. I know the world, shares the sorrow that Mrs. Kennedy and her family bears. I will do my best. That is all I can do. I ask only for your help and God's." Looking over to Lady Bird, he added, "Please pray for our president and his recovery."

The business of the nation must continue even in the wake of such a tragedy and the vice president and the president's staff was busy assuring that the United States would stand firm against any possible invasion brought about as a result of the president's attempted assassination.

While those that had been working tirelessly to find answers to the various questions surrounding the shooting in Dealey Plaza, the president's wife, brother, closest aids and some family gathered at the military hospital in hopes that the arrival of Dr. Malcolm Field would provide some of the anxiously awaited answers they sought.

Sitting at Jack's bedside in dark, silence since their arrival at Fort Hood, Jackie appeared in a world all her own. Occasionally looking up from her tight grip on Jack's hand as she sat vigil at his bedside waiting for Dr. Field to arrive, Jackie's face was blank of expression. Her eyes deep and shallow. Her stare glazed over as if looking straight through the nurses that came to check on Jack.

A sudden knock disrupted the silence of the machines rhythmic beep.....beep.....beep.....beep. Jackie jumped slightly with a quick quiver of her shoulders as she whispered, "Come in," clearing her throat of the dryness that began to seal her lips shut.

"Jackie," Bobby whispered, "Dr. Field has arrived, would you like to come meet him before he consults with Dr. Burkley?"

"Yes Bobby," Jackie softly responded, her voice worn with exhaustion and fatigue. "I'll be there in a minute."

As Bobby closed the door, Jackie stood from her seat next to Jack, still holding his hand in hers, she leaned down, kissed his lips and whispered, "I'll be right back my darling, you keep fighting to come back to me and I'm going to go meet this doctor that's going to help you get better. I love you Bunny."

Placing Jack's hand gently atop his upper torso, Jackie turned to exit the room. Stopping briefly at the mirror next to the washroom as she caught sight of her reflection, Jackie noticed blood still splattered on the side of her right cheek. Grabbing a white tissue from the lonely box sitting atop the sink, Jackie wiped the blood off and continued on her way to meet the doctor.

End of Innocence- November 1963Where stories live. Discover now