Caroline's Birthday

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Five sunsets and sunrises had passed since the world stopped turning for Jackie and the Kennedy family. Five sunsets and sunrises had passed since the country lost its innocence and sat vigil waiting for word on their beloved President. Five sunsets and sunrises had passed since the world lost its fearless leader and had become numb with the uncertainty of what the future held. Five sunsets and sunrises had passed since the flaming light of promise and hope had been extinguished. 

It was the early morning hours of Wednesday, November 27th, 1963 and Jack and Jackie's daughter's 6th birthday. In all the commotion and uncertainties with Jack, Caroline's birthday had completely slipped Jackie's mind. Totally oblivious to what day it was, Jackie began her morning routine as she had the last five mornings, rising from the not so comfortable chair she had transformed into a bed, next to Jack, where she sat nightly talking to him, holding his hand and praying for his recovery, she kissed his lips gently as she took note of the recordings on all the monitors that surrounded him, then made her way towards the small private bathroom adjacent to his room so she could half way put herself together in an attempt to look somewhat presentable. 

Looking at herself in the mirror as she patted her cheeks dry from the cold flowing water she splashed upon her face in an attempt to refresh her senses, Jackie was taken back by the deep circles that engulfed her eyes and the puffiness that accompanied them from all the tears she had privately shed over the course of the last five days. 

"My God, what's happened to me," she whispered to herself, as she reached for the comb to straighten out the mess of a rats nest her hair had become. 

As she finished putting herself together, buttoning the black dress she had changed into, Jackie heard a knock on the door with a faint, familiar, whisper, "Jackie, I come in?"  

Peeking out the bathroom door, Jackie was surprised to see Jack's best friend from childhood, Lem Billings standing before her. 

"Lem, what are you doing here," she questioned? 

"I couldn't stand it anymore Jackie, I had to see Jack and you," he exclaimed apologetically as if intruding on her privacy. 

"Oh Lem, I'm glad you're here," Jackie replied as she walked towards him, her arms extended to receive his embrace. "Have you been filled in on Jack's condition yet?" She asked. 

"No, I came straight in once Clint gave the guards the all clear for me to pass through. I'm sorry for not calling beforehand," Lem replied. "I hope it's okay? I received word from Bobby that you had requested everyone's presence, so I jumped on the first flight out of Boston." 

"Thank you Lem, of course it's okay. I'm glad you're here." Jackie comforted Jack's friend. 

"Did you see Bobby," Jackie questioned. 

"No, Clint said he wasn't here yet!" 

"How is he, Jackie?" Lem somberly inquired as he looked towards the dividing cloth screen that separated them from Jack.

"It's not good Lem, it's not good at all but we have to keep the faith. We have to keep the faith that he's going to pull through," Jackie insisted.

Pulling opening the curtain that divided them from Jack, Lem gasped as he caught sight of his childhood friend. Raising his hand to his mouth in an attempt to keep himself from sobbing out-loud, Lem walked towards Jack and sat beside him, taking his hand in his as he prayed for Jack's survival.

Overcoming the shock that had taken over him at seeing Jack, Lem listened carefully to all that Jackie had to tell him about Jack's condition and their new treatment plan that had now been in effect for the last eighteen or so hours. 

End of Innocence- November 1963Where stories live. Discover now