November 22nd 1963- Dallas

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The flight from Carswell Air Force Base in Fort Worth to Love Field in Dallas was a mere 20 min hop, they could have nearly driven to Dallas quicker than the plane ride but the President wanted the grandeur of Air Force One's arrival in Dallas so flying it was.

While on board, Jack visited Jackie in their suite as she freshened up for the arrival in Dallas. 

"Hey kid," he began, "I haven't had a chance to tell you how incredibly gorgeous you look today," leaning down to face her reflection in the mirror as he rested his hands on her shoulders, his face pressed up against her hair. 

"Thank you Bunny! I'm glad you approve, after all, you picked it out," Jackie smirked back.

"I may have picked it out, but nobody will ever look as good in it as you do," Jack replied as he leaned in to kiss her cheek. "Thank you for coming down this morning to the breakfast. The difference your presence made, is measurable." 

Slightly blushing, Jackie turned to face Jack, "Anything for you my darling," as she put her white gloved hands to his cheeks and brought his face into hers for a soft kiss. 

"Did you hear that crowd go crazy when I grabbed your hand as we left Ft. Worth?" Jack questioned with a smirk. "You'd think they never saw a man hold his wife's hand before," he chuckled.

 "You'd think they never saw a man hold his wife's hand before," he chuckled

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"Ha!" Jackie hissed back. "Seeing a man hold his wife's hand and seeing you hold my hand in public are two completely different things," she replied slightly frowning at him.  

" I know darling and you know I'm trying. You don't know how hard it it for me to keep my hands off of you, even in public but I can't help but feel it's just so distasteful to be groping at your wife in public but that's not going to stop me in private," he giggled as he began to playfully grab at Jackie all over. 

"Stop it Jack," Jackie sketched as she roared into laughter. "You're going to mess up my hair and suit and then I'll be a hot mess for all those Dallas honkies. 

'OK, OK," Jack chuckled as he rose to his feet again, "I'll stop for now but you're mine later tonight," he exclaimed as he bend slightly down, with a low grunt to kiss her head.

"Are you OK Bunny?" Jackie questioned with concern. "Is your back hurting?"

"No more than usual my dear. But I have my brace on so I'll be ok," he replied with comforting words. "So don't you worry about me, you just concentrate on looking gorgeous and I'll take care of the rest."

Just then, the flight attendant came over the overhead speakers, "Ladies and Gentlemen, please fasten your seat belts and prepare for landing." 

"It's show time darling," Jack said as he reached his hand for Jackie's, helping her up and escorting her out to the sitting area. 


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End of Innocence- November 1963Where stories live. Discover now