Chapter 14: Nothing Shopping Can't Fix

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          I order eggs and toast and watch Emi enjoy a tall stack of pancakes. I would kill for her metabolism. Luke uses his credit card to pay and we each Venmo him money for our meals. To absolutely no ones surprise, Emi and Annika decide to go with the boys and hike. Tess watches Connor stumble off with a look of hesitation before turning back to Ali and me.

           "We won't be mad if you decide to hike," I say to her. I can tell she's split. Shopping and boys are her two biggest weaknesses and here we are asking her to pick one. It's like asking a mom to pick her favorite child.

             "Maybe I should go..." she says with slight longing. "You know, since I'm the only one who knows what to do in medical emergencies." Tess is usually a lifeguard in the summer and is therefore forced to learn simple first aid techniques because of it. I wouldn't say she could deal with a medical emergency any better than the rest of us, but who am I to question what she needs to tell herself to justify her decision.

            "We can always shop at home," Ali adds.

            Tess nods. "Okay, I'll hike, but if you see a Cape Cod sweatshirt please get me one. I'll pay you back!"

            "Oversized or fitted?" I ask as Tess runs to catch up with the departing group.

            "Oversized!" she yells over her shoulder. I snicker with Ali as we watch her go.

              "Just the two of us, then," I say.

              "Fine by me," Ali says and links her arm through mine. We leave her car in the parking lot of the diner and head over to the neighboring stores. After picking out a few sun dresses and various other items, we head over to the dressing rooms. We opt to share the large one instead of individual stalls. It's then that I tell Ali about this morning's... encounter.

            "He just walked in?" Her shock makes me giggle.

"Well, he knocked, but didn't wait for a response. So, essentially, yeah," I reply. I can't get rid of the stupid, embarrassing smile on my face. The situation is just too ridiculous not to laugh at.

             "Wow. I guess it's not so different from a bikini, but, still... awkward," Ali says as she tries on a purple, strapless sundress.

              "That's what I said!" I laugh at how in sync our brains are and look in the mirror to examine the light green, babydoll dress I've chosen to try. I'm pretty sure I'm gonna buy it.

              "That dress is very Tess," Ali says.

              "Is it not very me, then? I kinda like it," I reply while turning to try to see the back in my reflection. The green is far from my normal go-to shade of pink, but I think it suits me. Brings out my eyes and all that.

              "It's cute. You should get it. But don't be surprised if she steals it." I laugh. No way Tess could steal this. It would never fit her slender frame.

              "Speaking of Tess..." I start.

              "What? Did she say something to you?"

              "Well. Yeah. I was gonna ask how much everyone knew about my situation with Noah, but the fact that that was your first guess..." Ali would only assume Tess would say something if they had all talked about the situation before. I wonder if people think i told Noah not to come here or something. I hope not.

            "Elle, you're not exactly good at keeping your feelings to yourself. It's kinda written all over your face," Ali says sympathetically.

"Am I stupid? For staying with him?"

I step out of the way so Ali can see her own reflection while she considers her next sentence. Her eyebrows are firmly furrowed with thought.

"As many opinions as I have, I don't think I should answer that. But you should," she says. I know she has an answer, but is withholding it. I really need to be asking myself these questions, but it would be so much easier if someone else could come up with all the answers for me.

"It's just... I see how easy it is with you and Robin, how much fun Annika and Emi are having with their crushes, or how exciting things feel for Tess and all I feel is doubt. I'm worried to be away from Noah, but I'm just as nervous to be near him. And not cutesy nervous like Annika. I mean upset-nervous. And maybe most people would've ended things already, but I feel so attached to Noah. Plus, the dynamics of the group would get all messed up..." I sigh and fiddle with the hem of the dress. When I finally look up, Ali is looking at me with understanding.

"Ew. Sorry for making everything about me and Noah lately. I hate that I'm doing that," I add. I wish I could feel that lighthearted summer feeling I always get when I'm here at the beach house. Lately it comes and goes and I miss it in moments like these.

"Please," Ali snorts. "Like you didn't have to listen about my crush on Robin 24/7 for weeks before we got together. You know I don't mind," she smiles.

"Please just tell me what you would do," I say and hold eye contact. I can tell she's considering deflecting again, but I must look pretty desperate because she gives in.

"I would break up with him. College is around the corner, you're both unhappy, and other opportunities are passing you by. If you don't deal with this now, it'll blow up on you later. Probably." I mull over her words for a moment.

"Wait, what d'you mean 'other opportunities'? Like parties or something? College? Drinking? Boys?"

Ali rolls her eyes and laughs while I continue to stare in confusion. Usually I can read her mind with no problem but I have no idea what she's laughing about right now.

"I mean you've never been able to like any other guy besides Noah, even before you started dating. It's always been all about him. There's a million boys that could be better for you just within the state, let alone the whole world," Ali says. I feel like she's still holding her tongue about something, but I decide not to push it. If she wanted to tell me, she would've.

Her bluntness leaves me speechless and all I can think to say is "huh."

"Definitely get that dress," she adds.

"Only if you get those shorts," I say and motion to a pair of blue gingham mini shorts.

"Deal," Ali replies.

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