Chapter 30: Upstairs

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Soren and I kiss for what feels like a long time. I'm so lost in him that I ignore the ping of Ali's computer at first. I revel in the way Soren and I fit together. It's the second ping that gets my attention. I break away from Soren and take in his face for a moment. His cheeks are pink and lips bright red. His hair is hanging forward. He looks adorable. I smile and brush the hair out of his eyes.

  "You look so beautiful," I say.

"I was thinking the same thing about you," he replies. Ali's computer sends out another ping so I sit up and head over to check the group message. Which reminds me...

"What are you doing back here anyways? Aren't you supposed to be tonight's chauffeur?"

"Connor spilled his drink on my shirt so I decided to come back and change," Soren says. I look down at his torso and notice for the first time that he'd changed into a long-sleeved, light blue shirt.

"I like that color on you."

I reach Ali's computer and re-enter the password. Sure enough, the group chat is full of messages asking when people want to leave.

"Guess you gotta go pick some people up," I say and look at Soren, who's still lounging on the couch. I watch as he stands and makes his way over to me, putting his hands on my waist and exploring the skin there. I turn to put my arms around his neck instinctively.

               Soren's eyes mirror back the same begrudging look I feel.

               "Do we have to go right this second?" His eyes sparkle with mischief. I smile at him and bring myself back to the computer.

              "Wait, why did you even come back here in the first place?"

              "I wasn't really in a party mood. Besides, Connor spilled his drink all over me. It was the perfect excuse."

              I smile at how we reacted so similarly to our tiff. I'm so glad, otherwise who knows when we would've had a chance to talk alone?

ME: hey guys it's mariella on Ali's computer again. Soren had to change shirts cuz his old one was covered in jungle juice. can u hang at the party for a lil bit longer??

               I hit send and watch as the messages roll in.

ANNIKA: fine w me :)))

LUKE: ok txt when ur leaving

CONNOR: sorry about ur shirt bro breakfast on me tmrw

              "Looks like we can spare a little time," I say and bring my gaze back to Soren. I place my hands on his chest and meet his eyes. His hands freeze on my waist with uncertainty. I take in a shakey breath.

               "What should we do?"

               Looking at his face, I know exactly what I want to do. I'm just not sure how to communicate it. My hands are clammy and clumsy as I reach for his.

               "We could... go upstairs." I pause and try to analyze his reaction. I hold my breath as I wait for him to speak. Was I too forward? I'm never usually one to initiate anything like this and it makes me uncomfortable. I start to pull my hand back from his. "I mean, only if you want to, we don't have—," Soren cuts me off with a feverish kiss. The nerves I was feeling two seconds ago are no where to be found as I let him take control. For the second time, I'm shocked by how easily he can support my body weight as he picks me up and wraps my legs around him again. I'm not short and I'm certainly not skinny, which would usually make me feel self conscious about him taking on my weight, but Soren makes me feel good. I take my lips off his quickly.

              "Are you really gonna carry me all the way upstairs?" I can feel my eyebrows lift with an inquisitive smile.

              Soren sets my feet back on the ground and replaces his hold on my hand.

              "Guess that might be a little dangerous, huh?" His eyes never break from mine.

               "Lead the way," I say and let him pull me up the stairs and into my bedroom.

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