Chapter 43: Flying Fists

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           Noah let's out a huff of laughter and Bella places her hand on her hip, a smirk fixing itself onto her perfect face. Bella's returning laughter seems to set everything off at once.

           "Oh, you think this is funny, do you?" Robin growls as he advances on Noah. Noah freezes at the sudden rage from his old friend and Bella takes a few cautious steps away from him.

            "Ro, stop!" Ali shouts as Luke and Conner each grab on of his arms. Soren is shaking with anger next to me. I squeeze his hand, hoping I won't need to try to restrain him, too. From the look of the the veins popping out in his forearms and neck, it looks like it might actually be necessary.

            "What the Hell, Robin! I'm your friend," Noah shouts, using is hands to motion between them as if it will make Robin suddenly remember all the years they've spent together.

             "You stopped being my friend the second you started treating Mariella like dirt. I just didn't know it 'til now," Robin spits.

             "What were you thinking?" I ask. At this point, I can't even feel hurt. This whole situation is comical. This is villainous behavior. It's like someone forced Noah to make all the worst decisions. But no one forced this. He did this all on his own.

            "What was I thinking? I was thinking, 'huh my girlfriend is out there with some other guy.' And I decided that was stupid. What were you thinking? You were lucky I ever even dated you at all, let alone for as long as I did, and then you downgrade to wannabe-surfer boy over here? I could've cheated so many more times than I did. So many. But I'm a nice guy." Noah jabs an accusing finger towards me before continuing. "You're face is pretty, Mariella, I'll give you that, but that body and self esteem... I am way out of your league. Everyone knows it. They just don't have the guts to say it like I do. And I was sitting here, begging you to want me?" Noah scoffs like that's the most ridiculous thing in the world while i just stand here and take it. "I knew you'd spin your pretty little tale out there, and they'd all believe poor little Els. That you'd vilify me. I just can't believe you're making my bestfriends are taking your side over mine." Noah finishes his rant by grabbing Bella by the waist and pulling her against him. I feel a little bad for her, being thrown into the middle of all this. But then she giggles and kisses his cheek like he just won her a stuffed animal at the state fair, and all my sympathy is gone in a flash. Why is she here, again?

             The situation is just so ridiculous. That speech was so ridiculous. It like his own evil-mastermind-monologue. I feel a dry laugh bubble in my belly and escape through my mouth. I think a few days ago that whole monologue would've broken me. But now I just laugh. He really has to tell himself I made his best-friends hate him. He needs to tell himself that. It's almost sad. I can't believe I ever let him dictate my worth. At the same time I'm realizing this, Soren seems to have finally had enough. My hand is suddenly empty as he bounds forward, taking huge steps towards Noah. Before anyone can stop him, he punches Noah straight across the jaw and into his nose. Bella squeaks and jumps away as Noah stumbles back from the unexpected blow, clutching his face.

            Noah recovers quickly and tries to land a swing on Soren's head, but his aim is impaired from his earlier drinks. Soren, completely sober and determined, dodges Noah's fist with ease before landing another hit in Noah's gut. I'm guessing that a mixture of alcohol and the previous blow plays a role in Noah falling over. I hate to admit that it's quite satisfying to watch.

            It's so completely out of character for Soren to be any kind of angry (let alone violent) that I find i'm not the only one shellshocked and slack-jawed. It seems everyone is frozen, looking at the scene that's played out in front of us. It's like our very own action movie.

            Noah is on his knees, hands on his stomach and a small trickle of blood streaming from his nose. Gravity takes its force, and a drop of crimson hits the clean floor. Soren looks at Noah in disgust before turning back to face us.

          "Sorry to get someone else's blood on your floor, bro," he says to Luke, causing me to start laughing again. It's too ridiculous.

          "Uh, don't worry about it. Just remind me to never get on your bad side. Like, ever," Luke replies, his face in a state of shock still.

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