Chapter 39: Sore Loser

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My heart flutters with anxiety as footsteps hit the floor rhythmically, growing nearer and nearer.

"Fine with me," Robin says as he throws his controller onto the couch. "I need a drink anyways. Anyone want anything?"

Ali yells, "orange juice," at the same time I shout "tequila!" She turns to me with wide eyes and laughs.

"Woah there, girl, starting off strong today," she says.

"It is very much necessary," I reply. I take a second to glance at Noah who's just sat himself next to Soren on the couch. His face is pure anger. Is he really gonna take out his anger on a Super Smash Bros game?

"It's a little early, isn't it Mariella?" His face is tense and creased. It seems as though he's focusing all the controlling energy he usually pushes onto me into his eyebrows. Who knew eyebrows could furrow so much.

"Oh no. If anything, I wish I'd started drinking earlier. Like before-I-came-downstairs, earlier." I break eye contact and brush my hand along Soren's shoulder before turning to take a bottle from Robin. I can feel the heat of Noah's anger intensify. I flick the cap of the bottle off and take as big of a gulp I can handle. The first shot is always the worst. I wince and swallow.

"Seriously Mariella—," Noah starts in an angry tone before being cut off.

"So, you ready to play, or what?" Noah's gaze flickers over to Soren's smooth face with annoyance. He grumbles something I don't even try to understand and they start the game. I feel a rush of gratitude to Soren for stopping Noah before either of us lost our temper in front of everyone.

"Ali, you want?" I ask as I wave the bottle in her sober face. She smirks before grabbing it out of my hand and taking a big swig. I raise my eyebrows as she grimaced at the taste.

"All or nothing, baby," she says after she gulps it down. She shivers and scrunches up her face. "Man, that's nasty," she adds. I giggle and steal the bottle back. I count the shots in my head to match with every time Soren majorly damages Noah, but after a while I stop paying attention and just drink when I want. The alcohol in my body turns my muscles to liquid and my thoughts to hysterics. Everything is funny to me all the sudden. I look at the back of Noah's neck and remember the first time he kissed me, how I let my hand rest there because I didn't know what else to do. How is scruffy chin itched against my face and made me feel all self conscious and scratchy. How kissing him made me feel dirty instead of free. How it felt awkward instead of exciting. My eyes glide over to the back of Soren's head. The hair at the nape of his neck is softly curled, like a cherub. It's so shiny in the sunlight that's streaming in through the window, it looks like fine threads of gold. I want to touch it. I reach out with my right hand and brush at the ends. I smile when Soren shivers.

             "What the fuck?"

             I'd almost forgotten Noah was there. I turn to meet his steel gaze as Soren takes advantage of the distraction and delivers the final blow to Noah's character.

              "Yes! Hey, good game, man—," Soren starts as he turns to Noah, hand out for a sportsman-like shake. Noah's eyes are flickering between the two of us with fury. Soren lowers his hand pathetically onto his lap. Half of my brain is sending up alarms at Noah's intensity while the other half is too tipsy to care.

              "What?" Ali chimes in. "I play with Mariella's hair all the time." It's nice of her to try to defend my stupid mistake. I promise myself I'll never spite-drink again.

               "Ali, shut up," Noah grunts through clenched teeth. Anger bubbles in my chest on behalf of my bestfriend.

                "Hey, dude, calm down," Robin says and puts a hand on Noah's shoulder. I can tell he's mad about Noah's comment to Ali, but the urge to calm the situation down wins over. "It's not like that."

              Noah jerks his shoulder out from under Robins hand and stands. "Whatever," he says as he makes his way over to the kitchen. Bella greets him with a big smile.

              "Well, he seems fun," Soren says stalely.

              "He used to be," Robin replies, his eyes clearly reflecting on a past memory. I wonder what he's thinking about. And how long ago it was.

               "Whatever," I repeat. Damn. I wish Noah hadn't said it first. I hate to have anything in common with him. "He's just looking for a reason to be mad at me since i'm mad at him."

              Robin's head whips to me in confusion. "Why're you mad at him? I thought you were happy to see him."

              "Ecstatic," I reply and flop down on the couch next to Soren. I'm about to scootch closer when Ali sits between us. Oh yeah. Good call, Ali. I settle for resting my head across her lap so I can breathe in Soren's cologne. I have half a mind to wait until Robin runs to fetch Ali some sunscreen to speak.

"If he got that mad at me for a little touch, imagine how he'll react when he finds out about everything else we've done." I giggle. It's the kinda phrase I would never say sober. Ali laughs with me and Soren glances anxiously at Ali. Oh. I guess I forgot to tell him she knows.

              "Uh, why she means is—," Soren starts before Ali hold up her hand.

               "Don't worry. She told me last night." I watch as a silent observer. For the first time, I find myself hoping they like each other. I've been so focused on all the secrets, I didn't even get a chance to worry about the normal stuff, like whether or not my bestfriend approves. Soren's face relaxes into an expression of happy relief. He seems glad someone else knows, too.

              "Oh, thank God. I have no idea how I was planning to explain that one," he says and shares a smile with Ali.

"Sorry about him, Soren. And sorry he told you to shut up, Ali," I say, dumbly. I wish the apology was coming from someone else, but it's the best I can do.

Ali and Soren share another glance before Ali speaks. "It's okay. You're not responsible for what he says. Can't say I'm mad you crushed him, though, Soren."

Soren grins widely at her. "Same. The handshake maybe sent him over the edge so my bad. That was a little petty of me. Though, if i'm being honest, I was going a little easy on him. Not sure how he died so quickly."

I laugh along with them, knowing I would've died much faster against a much worse player. It's nice to hang out as us three. It paints a nice image in my head for what the future of all of us could possibly look like.

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