Chapter 35: No One Listens Better Than a BFF

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               "I should probably head back downstairs. Before Ali comes back up."

Soren's words break my concentration on his heartbeat. I sigh and listen beyond the door to my friends downstairs. It sounds like things are winding down.

"Probably," I say, begrudgingly. "I wish you could stay."

I know it's my decision that things are still secret, but it doesn't make things feel any easier. Why did I have to make things so complicated? No. Stop that. I'm not the one who made things this way. That person is sitting downstairs with his giant ego in tow.

"It won't always be like this," he replies. My head rises and falls with his chest as he speaks.

"Soon," I say. I feel a spot of warmth as he kisses my hair before moving to stand. He walks over to the door and I stare at the curls of blonde hair at the back of his neck. I watch from my bed as he turns back face to me.

"I'll see you in the morning," he says.

"Goodnight, Sky," I tease. He smiles and raises a questioning eyebrow. "I hate to admit Bella was right, but Sky just suits you."

He laughs and shakes his head with his hand on the door handle. I match his smile with ease.

"Goodnight, Em."

"Em? How'd you get 'Em' from Mariella?"

"It just suits you," he says, mocking my tone. I smile sleepily as he closes the door gently behind him. I stare at the ceiling as I listen to his footsteps fade down the stairs. My eyes start to flutter shut...

               I've barely closed my eyes for a second when my door is thrown open again. I look up, alarmed, to face my intruder, once again praying it's not Noah.

              My eyes meet Ali's and I feel the blood rush back to me face for a second time.

"You scared me," I say, letting my head fall back onto my pillow. When I don't get a response, I peak curiously back at Ali.

My earlier relief is short lived as I take in her expression.

            "What's going on?" I say with concern for my bestfriend. "Did something happen?"

            "I should be asking you that! What's with the cold shoulder to Noah? And why was Soren up here? Don't bother lying, I ran into him on the way up."

             I stare at Ali and try to make a quick decision. I probably shouldn't tell her about Noah or Soren and risk ruining her vacation. This is her house and her vacation after all. But it would be so nice to be able to talk about it with someone on the outside, and I've never kept something a secret from her this long. I inhale deeply before choosing my next words.

            "Okay. But close the door."

             Ali sits with me on my bed as I fill her in. I tell her about the pictures of Noah, the grocery store, and earlier tonight with Soren. I explain how he makes me feel and all the conversations we've had. I leave out some of the details, though. Some moments feel too private between Soren and I. Like a little secret for us both. She listens silently the whole time, adding in the occasional gasp or nod. By the time i've finished, I'm out of breath and my voice is tired. There's a pause as I watch her take it in, waiting for her to react.

           "Are you mad?" My voice is sheepish and little as I look at my bestfriend. I can't get a read on her expression, which is rare for me and her.

           "I wish you had told me," she replies, finally. I grab her hands and begin to explain.

           "I wanted to! But this vacation isn't supposed to be about me or my drama. I just wanted you to have fun."

           "Mariella, sometimes you have to rely on other people. You're 'drama' isn't a burden to me, you're my bestfriend. I want to help you through it. But i can't do that if you keep me in the dark."

            "I know. I'm sorry. I should've let you in sooner."

            "It's ok. I appreciate you trying to protect me. But next time, please just fill me in." She trails off for a moment before speaking again. "Are you gonna tell the others now?"

           I groan and hug a pillow to my chest. "Do I have to?"

          "Eventually, yeah. I guess we could wait a few days until we're not all living together. That seems like maybe a bad idea. But you should be the one tell them. Noah might spin the story in his favor if you let him."

           "You're right. Again. I'll tell them before we leave. But let's keep it a secret for now." I look into her familiar hazel eyes, looking for any hint of anger. "So... You're not mad?"

             "I'm not mad," she says with a soft smile.

              "Good. I don't think I could take you being mad at me right now."

We laugh together and I let go of her hands. It feels nice to have told her. Ali excuses herself to get ready for bed. The sound of running water coming from the bathroom comforts me. The sleepiness I felt before returns slowly, not as strong as it was. I stare at the ceiling again, feeling like a weight has been lifted off my chest. Eventually, the water stops and Ali emerges from the steamy bathroom, tucking herself into her twin bed.

               "So! Ella isn't a virgin anymore, huh?" She says from her side of the room.

               "Of course that's what you took away from that story," I reply, teasing her right back.

"You have to tell me much more about that, you were way too skimpy on the details. Did it hurt? How long did you guys last? Was it awkward? How many inches would you say he is?"

"Oh my God, Ali, I'm going to bed." I try to hide my smile in my pillow as my cheeks heat up. I hope she doesn't see how bad I'm blushing right now or i'll never hear the end of it.

"Yeah, hey, I get it. Sex can be super tiring, sometimes."

"Ali!" I throw a pillow at her and it lands smack down on her head.

"Hey!" She picks the pillow off her head and throws it back to me.

"Ah, yes, thank you for returning my pillow. Sleep time, now."

"Okay, okay, we don't have to talk about it right now. But just tell me. Is it curved?"

"Gross, Ali," I giggle. "Go to sleep."

"Fine. But we're discussing this more later," shes says and wags a finger at me as she pulls the cover up to her neck. I mimic her and pull my cover up, too. I drift off quickly and find my brain lazily wondering what was more tiring: dealing with Noah, or the sex. Not that I'd ever bring that thought up with Ali. She'd never let me live that down.

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