Chapter 26: Something Wicked This Way Comes

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When I'm finished with my shower, I decide to just get ready for the bonfire now so I'm not rushing later. I take time to make sure my makeup is perfect and my outfit is exactly right. I know i look practically the same as always, but the extra effort makes me feel a little prettier. I don't bother drying or styling my hair since I'm sure the beach breeze will ruin it in a second anyways. By the time I'm finished and downstairs, the food is out of the bags and in various stages of put away or being eaten. I make myself some boxed mac and cheese and grab an apple. Just looking at the smooth apple in my hand makes me blush and smile uncontrollably. I eat my dinner on the couch while watching the others bustle around the house, preparing for the bonfire. When I've finished my mac and cheese, I throw the bowl in the sink before returning to my seat. I sit with my back against the arm rest and my feet on the couch. Without shoes on, of course. I can't stand people putting their shoes on furniture. I clutch the uneaten apple in my hand and turn it absentmindedly.


I look up and see Soren standing by my spot on the couch with a grin.

"Hey," I reply with a toothy smile that matches his.

  "Mind if I sit?"

"Not at all."

Soren plops down next to me and we sit together in our silent contentment while everyone bustles around for a few minutes. My eyes flick between Soren's face and the apple in my hand. Eventually, Soren breaks the spell and speaks.

"You know, I think apples might be my favorite fruit," he says. I grin at him and stop twirling the apple before throwing it to him. He catches it instinctively and throws it back. I catch it with both hands.

"Is that so?" I throw the apple again and he catches it with ease.

"Yup." He throws the apple back into my waiting hands.

"It's funny, I was just thinking the same thing earlier."

            "I'm excited for the bonfire," he says as the apple lands in his palms.

            "Are you now?"

            "Yeah. I'm excited to dance with you." He says it like it's a given that we'll dance together and it makes me heart skip a beat.

            "I think I can fit in a dance or two in my schedule."


We stay tossing the apple back and forth for a while, talking about meaningless things and laughing when one of us drops it. But far too soon for my liking, the motion of the house begins to settle as everyone comes downstairs to pregame.


              I stand next to Ali as she passes a bottle of vodka to me. With each tiny sip of the bottle, my happiness grows into warmth and spreads to every limb. I sneak glances to Soren every once in a while. If it were up to me, I would stare at his face forever, but the situation being as it is, stolen peeks will have to do. Noel decides to join Soren's sobriety so we can take the cars up the beach rather than walking for thirty minutes on the sand while drunk, for which I am grateful.

           I keep myself at a nice tipsy instead of full on drunk to save myself a messy night. I want to stay in control so I don't tip too far into the happiness I feel about Soren or swerve into a breakdown about Noah. I don't trust drunk Mariella. I end up in Soren's car and take the passenger seat before someone else can. Drinking definitely won't help with my easily provoked motion sickness. He turns on his music, more of the same artist from before, and we're on our way. About a half mile away from the bonfire, we start to see more and more cars parked on the side of the street. Soren decides to take an empty spot and walk the rest of the way at the risk of there not being and parking spots further ahead. Noel follows our lead in the car behind us and finds a spot a bit behind ours. We get out of the car and make our way as a group towards the bonfire that I can just make out ahead. The closer we get, the more people join us in heading towards the smoke. I can tell Soren made the right decision in taking the parking spot back there because the beach is packed with people. Music is blaring out of some speakers someone has set up, the occasional crack of the fire ringing out. If that wasn't enough noise, the conversations and yelling of drunk people basically attack my eardrums.

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