Chapter 45: I Hate Goodbyes

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           The next morning, I wake up knowing it's our last day at the beach house. It pains me to think about leaving, but I know the shortness of our trip is part of what makes it special. We spend the morning at the local diner again before heading back to the house to hit the beach. The weather is hot and the sand burns the bottom of my feet, making the water all the more refreshing. Everyone gets in immediately this time and we savor our last moments all together. We'll all be off to different schools and different futures soon. Who knows when the next time we're able to all get together will be?

            Even though Noah is gone, it doesn't feel like the group is incomplete. I can tell there's some sadness still, especially with the boys, but no one brings it up. Instead, we spend hours splashing around and enjoying the summer day. As the sun sets and we head up to the house, us girls meet up in the master bedroom again for one last break down.

             "I can't believe it!" I squeal in excitement as Annika and Emi gush about Noel and Luke, who have apparently managed to sneak off multiple times during the week.

            "Yuck," Ali says after Annika details her and Luke's first kiss. "I mean, totally happy for you, but yuck," she jokes.

            "You sure you're okay with me and Luke?" It's the millionth time Annika has asked, but I can tell it really means a lot to her for Ali to approve. After all, she's not just our friend, but Luke's sister.

           "Seriously, totally, one hundred percent okay with it. You're great together," she says sincerely. Annika's cheeks warm and she smiles gratefully. "And may I add that you're way out of his league?" I giggle and feel a pang of longing to have a sibling. Ali is so lucky.

           "So are you guys like... dating them?" I ask, unsure how to phrase the question.

           "Well, uhh, maybe?" Emi says at the same time Annika replied with an enthusiastic yes.

           "Why maybe?" Tess asks. Emi shrugs.

           "Haven't talked about it yet. With college and all that... We'll have to figure it out. But I think we both want to wait until we're home to DTR." I nod. That makes sense. "What about you and Conner, Tess?"

          "Oh, you know. Gonna try it out. We're trying to go slow and keep things casual until we both figure out exactly what we want. Don't wanna make things unnecessarily uncomfy in the group."

            "But you did hook up?" Ali asks.

            "A lady never tells," Tess replies with a wink.

            "This is so weird," I start, looking for the right way to phrase my thoughts. "Four out of five of us are coming home from this trip with a new relationship," I say before glancing at Tess and Emi. "Sorta," I add. Everyone giggles lightly at the thought.

           "Okay, feeling seriously left out," Ali says jokingly with her hands up.

            "Please, you and Robin are perfect together," Annika says.

            "Yeah..." Ali says with a warm smile, lost in thought.

           "Hey, don't go all soft on us," I say and poke her shoulder, causing another stir of laughter.

           "It's getting late, huh," Annika says with a glance to her phone. I sigh as I see the time. Summer goes so fast these days. I think it's because we're getting older. It makes me sad.

            "Oh my gosh, is that the time?" Emi exclaims. "I have to go, I was supposed to meet Noel ten minutes ago!" She scrambles up from her seated position and rushes to the mirror to check her reflection. I stand and follow.

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