Chapter 44: Hit the Road, Jack

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             "I think it's time for you to leave," Luke says coolly to Noah. I look to see if there are any objections, but there doesn't seem to be any. Noah seems to be looking for some sympathy, as well.

            "C'mon, man, you've known me, like, you're whole life. You're gonna kick me out over some girl?"

            "Actually, I don't think I know you at all," Luke replies. Noah looks around with panic clear on his face, realizing he's lost more than just me in the last few days.

           "You're not even gonna hear me out? You're only gonna listen to one side?"

            "We just heard your side, Noah. That speech was the final straw," Conner spits.

            I watch as Noah flicks his eyes from face to face, desperately looking for an inkling of pity or compassion. From what I can tell, everyone is either fuming or visibly uncomfortable with his presence.

            "Some friends you are. Who wants to be around people like you guys, anyway," Noah huffs as he stomps his way out, leaving Bella standing in front of us. He opens the door with such force on his way out that it slams and hits the wall. I jump a little at the sound. I stare after him for a few moments, almost not believing he would leave so easily.

            "You too, Bella," Ali says and motions for the door. Bella freezes for a second before the sound of Noah starting his car startles her.

            "Right. Fine. You guys are being lame anyways," she says, returning to her confident drawl before strutting towards the door Noah left swinging. On her way out, she picks up her cardigan and a red solo cup. She stops at the door, turns, and downs the whole cup in one gulp. I watch as she throws it back into the house with a careless hand. "Catch ya later, Sky," she says with a wink to Soren before turning to walking outside, leaving the door wide open.

               I stare in disbelief as Noah's car rolls away, Bella in the passenger seat. I knew they'd get along. Her discarded cup rolls lamely on the ground in circles, empty. That was too easy. Wasn't it?

             "Well then..." Annika says before pausing. It doesn't seem like anyone knows quite what to say.

"Pizza anyone?"

There's a breath of stillness before everyone laughs. The mood lightens the second we can no longer hear the car, returning to the summer feeling i'm used to and ending the uncomfortable silence.

             "Pizza for sure. On me," Tess says and pulls out her phone. People gravitate towards the couch in a sort of daze as Tess and Conner peel away to order pizza. I follow and plop myself on the couch next to Soren.

             "So that was..." I search for the right word for a moment before coming up empty handed. Luckily, Noel finishes the sentence for me.

            "...Intense. That was super intense."

             I giggle along with everyone else at the relief of the conflict ending and with the uncomfortable knowledge that we all lost a friend. Maybe I should be more devastated, but it all feels resolute.

             "Who knew book store employees could pack a punch?" Robin says.

              "Hey, what d'you got against book store employees?" Luke replies, accusingly. Everyone laughs.

               "Seriously, though, two punches and he was done. Soren, do we need to sign you up for some fights? Bet it pays better than the books," Emi jokes.

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