Chapter 25: Secrets, Secrets

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             After what feels like forever, we check out at the register. Luke pays for the food, which I'm thankful for. Me and my mom could not handle paying for enough food for ten teenagers. Luke doesn't even bat an eye when the register rings up $513. Sometimes I think I'd kill to be in Luke and Ali's family.

             We make our way back to the car and drive back with the windows down, which makes it practically impossible to talk. When we finally pull into the driveway, the boys plus Emi are throwing around a hackysack. They graciously come and help carry the bags inside, complaining about being starving the whole time. Inside, Tess and Ali are painting their nails. I don't look at Soren as I head towards their direction, trying to keep my face neutral.

            "Hey, what've you guys been up to," I ask. I try to sound casual but I know my face is beaming. They make eye contact for a second before turning back to me.

           "Uh, nothing. We've really just been chilling around," Tess says. "What've you guys been up to?"

            I hold up the bags in my hands and reply, "I was at the supermarket. Picked up some apples for you, Tess. Didn't Ali tell you?" I look to Ali and see she's slightly confused, too.

            "Was the supermarket selling happy pills?" Tess says.

            "Seriously, Elle, you look like the one of those girls in a razor commercial," says Ali.

            I try to control my expression for a minute. "Just happy to be here," I say with what i hope is a convincing expression.

          "Well I want a taste of whatever you smoked," Ali jokes. Tess and I giggle along with her.

         "Seriously, I'm just in a good mood right now. What's on today's agenda?" I can tell my friends are still confused by my enthusiasm, but they let it slide. Have I really been acting so down lately that me being happy is confusing? And why is that so funny to me?

To be honest, it's hard to try to hide how i'm feeling from them. Especially Ali. We never keep secrets and every inch of me is itching to spill, but I control myself. Because telling Ali about Soren would mean telling her about Noah which would thoroughly dampen her vacation mood. Besides, It's kind of nice to have Soren and I's kiss belong to only us. It's a delicious and crisp secret, one i'm not quite ready to let fall on the floor.

          "That girl we played volleyball with invited us to a bonfire party. Not that she really had to invite us. It's kind of an 'everyone is going' type of party. Besides, i think she was mostly just inviting Soren," Tess says. I can feel my smile waver a little.

"Bella? The one you said was gorgeous?"

"That's the one," Tess says as she examines her new manicure.

"Sounds fun," I reply, my good mood feeling a bit threatened.

"For sure. But we're pregaming here," says Ali. "Last time we went to one of these things, we were, like, the only sober people on the whole Cape."

"Fine with me," Tess says as she stands to pick through the bags of groceries everyone's dropped off in the kitchen. I follow her over and drop my bags on to the counter, too.

"How're things with you and Connor?"

"Slow. I'm getting bored. Maybe I'll find someone new at the bonfire," Tess replies. I know her well enough to know that what she really means is that she wishes he would make a move. I've only ever heard her try to pass someone off as boring when she starts to develop real feelings. Which is very, very rare.

"Oh, really? He's boring?" I look at Tess with my best impression of a quizzical face and she gives me a playful shove.

"Shut up," she says with a smile. I watch her scan the room to find Connor and make sure he's in hearing distance before she calls to Ali. "Hey, you think there'll be any cute boys at the bonfire?"

"There always are, Tess," Ali replies with a cheeky smile.

I turn to Connor to see if he heard and it's safe to say he's sufficiently jealous. Tess turns to him and gives him a sly smile which makes him blush.

"Was that necessary?" I try to keep my voice hushed so Connor won't hear me.

"No... but it worked. I'll bet he makes a move tonight at the bonfire. I just need to talk to some other guy to spark the jealousy again," she says.

"Sounds... healthy," I reply before laughing.

"Hey, sometimes boys need a little manipulation to know what they want," she says.

"Whatever you say, Tess." I turn to Ali. "Hey Als, mind if I shower?"

"Nah, go ahead."

"'Kay, thanks. Make sure there's some food left for me when I come back."

"Will do," Tess says as she picks up an apple and takes a big bite.

         I turn and head up the stairs and take the time under the hot water to reflect on my kiss. Not telling Ali immediately was weirdly one of  the hardest things i've had to do. I tell her everything, especially when something makes me as happy as Soren has made me. Not filling her in feels like a betrayal. But I'm just not prepared to talk about everything yet. I promise myself that I'll tel Ali everything separately before i tell the rest of the group. It's the least i can do after keeping her in the dark about everything in a way I know she never would. I sit in the hot water with a strange mix of absolute giddiness and guilt washing over me like soap.

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