Chapter 40: Never Have I Ever Round Two

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I decide that, as much fun as rubbing in the fact that Noah can't tell me not to drink is, it's probably unwise to drink anymore. I never drink this much or this many days in a row. I think my body isn't used to it. It was fun at first, but I know my limits. I just got caught up in the vacation, especially with this being the last one before college, but I'm resolved to stop. Who knows what kinda words might jump out of my mouth if i'm not careful? I go to the kitchen and make myself a snack to go with the bottle of water i'm determined to chug. Sobering down to a quiet and undetectable buzz is the goal.

After a quick dip in the ocean, we play board games for what feels like minutes, but must be hours by the state of the sun. Time just works differently in summer, I guess. I manage to avoid Noah for the rest of the day, though his gaze his hard and omnipresent. I wonder what everyone thinks is happening. Probably just an ordinary fight in their mind. I don't feel drunk anymore, at the most I'm buzzed which is exactly what I was hoping for. I lose almost every game we play, but do so happily just to have something to focus on. Soren wins many rounds and I can see Noah growing more and more sour as he takes the losses. I feel a secret pride at not just Soren's wins, but how graciously he accepts them. Soren seems to have a hidden talent for winning. I like it.

Finally, with the sun saying it's goodnights to the sea, Noel decides it's time we make good on that giant game of Never Have I Ever we meant to play ages ago. I'm thankful that I stopped drinking earlier. This game can really make you say things you wish you hadn't even when sober. I plop down next to Ali and Robin with Soren on my left. I match Soren by taking a soda instead of a beer when they're passed around. For some reason, Bella's still here. I'm guessing no one has the heart to kick her out. She carefully places herself next to Noah and opposite of Soren. She lets her tan legs brush against Noah's as she maintains eye contact with Soren. Soren catches my eye and I giggle while he tries to hide a chuckle with a cough. Bella looks pissed at his lack of jealousy. Noah doesn't seem to spare her much notice either.

              The rest of the group settles in, completing the circle. I notice Tess steers clear of Bella and heads straight to Conner's side. I'm glad she picked up on Bella's bad attitude and lost interest. I don't know if i could stand to be around Bella after all this if Tess had decided she wanted to pursue her. Luke places a brand new bottle of tequila in the center of the circle and hands out shot glasses to everyone. I watch as Soren accepts his and raise an eyebrow at him.

"Still don't drink," he says.

"Yeah, I assumed that hadn't changed in the last ten minutes," I say with an eye roll. "So, why'd you take the glass?"

"One, to be polite. Two, I don't plan on losing. And if i do we have our sodas to take shots of." He winks and I giggle before turning back to the circle. I like sharing something with him even if it's just the fact that we're both drinking soda. Noah is glaring. I watch as his frown deepens, his eyes flicking between Soren and me suspiciously. I fight the urge to roll my eyes. Like he'd have any right to be jealous.

"Okay, we all know how to play right? You lose, you drink. We're playing with five fingers this time," Luke says as he settles into his place between Annika and Emi. The group mumbles a general chorus of agreement.

"Great," Robin says. "So, who's starting?"

"I'll go," Tess chimes. I put up five fingers. "Never have I ever..." Tess takes a moment to contemplate, though knowing her, she probably already has an extremely calculated answer lined up. "Never have I ever shown up to school drunk from the night before." She smiles a wicked smile and I giggle knowing she's trying to target the boys. They groan as they put down fingers. Except Soren, of course.

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