7- MTF Itty Bitty String Bikini

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     "Please don't wear that taupe short sleeve linen shift dress. It's cute and all, but it will look like you're meeting the ladies for tea, not going on a date at a wine bar with a hot guy."

     "I told you, it's not a date. He just offered to take me to this guy's birthday party, so I could get to know some people when he found out I was going to be home alone tonight, while you are on a date."

     Evie wiggled her brows. "You say it isn't, but we'll see. Anyway, this is what you should wear." Evie pulled a sleeveless hot pink fitted dress out of her closet. It had thin shoulder straps and a scoop neck that was mirrored in the back.

     Gia's eyes went wide. "No way. That's too much. It would make me feel self conscious."

     Evie shook her head. "I've seen you wear a dress similar to this, except a different color, so it must be him that makes you self conscious."

     Wrinkling her nose, Gia finally admitted it. "Maybe. I mean, all he's seen me in are suits. It would be weird."

     "No, what would be weird, is for you to be all buttoned up in a suit at someone's birthday party that doesn't start until three hours after the work day ends. They're expecting people to change and loosen up a bit." Evie rolled her eyes when Gia continued to shake her head. "Okay, how about this, you take both dresses in your bag to work, and when you get to his place to change, put this on first and see what his reaction is. You can even show him your other option."

     Blowing out a breathe, Gia contemplated the idea. "Okay, I'll try it." She pulled the dress out of Evie's hand. "But I really think you're wrong."

     "We'll see." Evie grinned.


     Stepping out of the bathroom, Gia heard a gasp. When she turned her head, she saw Mr. Bellanti watching her, and suddenly beginning to cough.

     She could feel her face redden, but forced herself to speak up. "Will this work for tonight? I have a simpler dress if you don't think it's appropriate."

     "No, you look great; it's great."


     By the time Gia and Mr. Bellanti left the restaurant and arrived at the party, it was half past eight. When they had first left his apartment at just after six, to walk the two blocks to the restaurant, she never dreamed they would be able to fill up more than two hours talking. Their conversation flowed easily for the most part, with only a few tense moments, like when he asked her about her parents, or when she asked about his relationship with his. She wanted to tell him more, but there were parts of her that it hurt to share. If she were ever to be able to get into a permanent relationship, she knew she would have to work through that.

     "Nick, darling! There you are! And who is this beautiful young thing?" A tall elegant woman with sleek black hair in a bob, and emerald green eyes emerged from the crowd to greet them.

     "Sabrina, this is Gia. She's interning at my office, and I thought I would introduce her around."

     Mr. Bellanti had told Gia that Sabrina was the wife of Heath, whose birthday they were celebrating, and that she was a Broadway actress, currently in the cast of Les Miserables. He mentioned she had a flare for the dramatic, which was apparent from the moment she approached them with her booming voice and arms spread wide like she was preparing to sing an opera.

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