26- MTF The Inquisition

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     "So Nick took you to his place for dinner and then to Ember on Friday night?"


     Allison raised an eyebrow. "And then he invited himself to church with you Sunday and lunch after?"

     "Um-hm." Gia flipped through some papers on her desk, trying to act like it didn't have an effect on her.

     The edges of Allison's mouth curled up.


     "You still don't think he's interested in you?"

     "Allison!" Gia whispered, then looked around the room. "He's dating Madison!"

     Allison smirked. "If you say so."

     Gia rolled her eyes and tried to focus on her work. She was finally settled with the fact that he was dating Madison and refused to let her mind entertain the thought of dating him herself... again. The sound of her office phone pulled her from her thoughts, and upon answering she was asked to go downstairs and escort a guest up for Nick.

     Checking his schedule, she saw he was running over on a conference call, but there were no more appointments until after lunch, so she had no idea who it could be. Upon arriving at the front desk, what she discovered was a grinning Madison with a tray of cookies.

     "Gia! So good to see you. They said Nick was finishing up a conference call, but would probably be finished soon. I wanted to surprise him and bring some cookies I made for him to share with coworkers. You know, share some holiday spirit! Last night he helped me put up my Christmas tree, and it got me so excited for Christmas that I had to bake!" She giggled.

     Though five minutes earlier Gia had been fine with them dating, suddenly the reality of it hitting her in the face felt different, and not so palatable. Stepping off the elevator she caught Allison's eye, and this was not a happy "I told you so" moment. She would have much rather been wrong.

     Gia knocked on Nick's door and was welcomed in. He'd just finished his call, and she forced a smile. "Madison is here to see you."

     After a flash of surprise, Nick smiled. "Send her back."

     Continuing with the pasted on smile, Gia nodded and backed out of the room to give Madison the go ahead. Sitting down and letting out a sigh, she heard Allison whisper, "Sorry."


     "Gia, I'm sorry to do this to you, but with Christmas coming up, we've got to get some things finished this week. I'll need you to work late either tomorrow or Friday if you can work it out."

     Something inside of her wanted to say no. She needed to stay away, and not spend any extra time with him. She should say no. "I understand. It will need to be tomorrow then." And yet, those are the words she spoke.

     Nick's eyes shifted from his computer to Gia. "Plans Friday?"

     "Allison and I were planning a girls night."

     Nick nodded and smiled. "Good, that's good. Okay, tomorrow then."

     "I'll add it to my schedule." She hurried from his office, in the back of her mind wondering what his Saturday plans were that kept him from giving her that as an option. He'd seemed so happy lately. Madison made him happy. That was good, right? Her heart, however, struggled to agree. Regardless, she cared about him too much to want anything less than his happiness. Christmas break would be a much needed reprieve from all things Nick.

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