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     It was a cozy sight: Evie's parents, Evie, Evan, and Gia all gathered around the Christmas tree waiting to exchange presents. It was her second full Christmas with them. When her grandfather was living they would always make breakfast together and exchange presents before joining Evie's family for lunch. She'd brought her Christmas pancake tradition, and Evan and Evie joined in by adding bacon and eggs, before serving Brent and Barb. It was all so perfect. Gia had longed to have siblings when she was young, and later, missing her parents, ached for these types of family gatherings. She'd always promised herself that one day she would push past her insecurities, get married and have more than one child so she could have this. But after her quiet time the day before, she knew she had to give even that up to God. She wouldn't force it if it was never meant to be.

     Lunch was a busy affair with the addition of Britt, a young single mom with three little children, and a recently widowed neighbor of theirs, Mr. Williams. Aiden, her two year old and also youngest, immediately latched onto Evan. Meanwhile her two girls, Ally and Alisha seem smitten with Matt.

     "Looks like you have some competition," Gia whispered to Evie as they set the table. Her phone buzzed and she shot Evie a look. They had a group call earlier with some church friends, Nessa, Kate, and Jill. And Allison had already texted Christmas wishes, so she wondered who else it could be as she pulled out her phone.

Nick: Merry Christmas! I hope it's great so far. I'm sure you're plenty busy. What time would be good for me to call?

     As at peace as Gia had been with things the past couple of days, butterflies still threatened that peace as she thought about hearing his voice. She showed the phone to Evie, who shrugged.

     "I don't really know what time everyone is leaving. You should probably tell him you'll call him."

     Nodding, Gia texted him back.

Gia: I'm not sure what time our lunch guests are leaving. How about I call you?

     After hitting send, she realized he might be busy too.

Gia: Actually, I'll text you when I'm free. In case you're busy.

Nick: Sounds great. :)

     Gia let out a sigh.

     Eyeing her warily, Evie wrapped an arm around Gia's shoulder. "Are you going to be okay?"

     "I thought I was."

     Lunch seemed to go by too quickly. Mr. Williams, well into his seventies, kept them regaled with stories from his younger years. The children kept them entertained in other ways with their fascination for Matt and Evan. Both men seemed to take their job seriously. Matt with magic tricks, and Evan with his knock knock jokes.

     Evie couldn't keep her eyes off Matt. Gia knew their phone conversations had become more frequent and it was clear that Evie's admiration had bloomed into something more. There was a prick of envy in Gia's heart. Though Evie had never had a boyfriend, through the years Gia surmised it was because she always had hidden feelings for Matt. Matt and Evan had been best friends since middle school, and though he dated, he had never had a serious girlfriend. He was always holding out for 'the one,' which seemed to have been Evie all along. As Gia watched them make eyes at each other she pushed those ugly feelings of envy down, refusing to give in to her baser thoughts. Evie was her best friend, and she truly wanted her friend to find every happiness.

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