18- MTF Rain on the Parade

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One Month Later...

     Gia stared at her reflection in the mirror. This would be her second date with Brian. He had wooed her like any gentleman would. She had pushed back, not ready to think of another man that way, but finally decided to give him a chance. It wasn't that she didn't have any feelings for him, and it wasn't his fault that Nick had left her hurt and emotionally back at square one. Because she was worried Brian was trying to move too fast, she coerced Evie into a double date that evening with a guy from Brian's work. Brian was a great guy, handsome and smart, but she didn't feel the connection she had with Nick, and certainly didn't have the same comfort level with him. She hoped that with time something more would develop, but she needed it to go slow.

     Nick. When he crossed her mind, she felt a pang of sadness. She had been so sure that something was brewing between them, but since the gala, he steadfastly held her at arms length. He continued to show her kindness and went out of his way to make sure that she was excelling at work, but he'd told her flat out that Brian was perfect for her. Then there were the occasional reminders that he didn't do real relationships and she deserved someone who could. There were other times though, that she caught him watching her with a wistful look. Those times made her heart stop and her mind question everything about what she was doing with Brian.

     "You ready?" Evie appeared in the reflection behind Gia.

     Forcing a smile, Gia nodded and turned around. Evie watched her carefully like she was a fragile vase, and when they walked through the living room Evie pointed to the sketchbook on the coffee table. "I see you've been sketching again." Her brows furrowed in worry as she waited for Gia to respond.

     Pressing her lips together, Gia's head fell. Sketching was her default when she had trouble handling things. It was her way of finding distraction and peace from the things that ate at her.

     "Are you okay? We don't have to go tonight, Gia."

     Gia's head popped up and she shook her head. "I'm going. I can't keep doing this. I can't keep letting what happened when I was young rule my life. I won't let him win." She fisted her hands.

     Evie threw her arms around her friend, but Gia was stiff as a board. "I've got you. He won't win. He won't win. God's got you too."


     "Speaking of Nick, what car is he working on?" James, Evie's date, laid an arm on the seat behind Evie and her eyes went wide.

     Brian spoke up, "He's pretty much finished with the '69 camero he's been working on for a couple of years. He's going to keep it, for now at least. But the funny thing is he told Rodney he'd do a reno for someone else. Rodney found him a '68 mustang and he's been spending all his free time on it the last couple of weeks."

     "You're kidding. He's never worked on cars for anyone else since he's been here. Rodney's been bugging him to for ages, but Nick always said he'd find his own cars and flip them so he could take his time. He doesn't like to feel rushed. What gives?"

     Brian shrugged. "Said he was wanting to stay busy, but didn't have anything lined up. He has been spending way more time than usual down there."

     Evie and Gia gave each other a look. Gia spoke up, "Who is Rodney?"

     "He's the owner of the garage where Nick rents work space," James responded before turning back to Brian with a smirk. "He's always found plenty of other things to do with his free time. Is he not dating anyone right now?"

     Brian rolled his eyes. "You know he doesn't date."

     "I was trying to put it nicely in front of the ladies here. Seriously, though, he usually saves plenty of time for the ladies. That plus the time he hangs out with friends, and works with the mentoring program shouldn't leave him with a ton of time to work on cars."

     "I don't know what's up with him lately. Outside of work we've not hung out much these past few weeks. But as far as I know, there's not a lady or ladies in the picture." Brian shifted in his seat.

     That whole conversation had Gia on edge and she was practically burning holes through the table with her eyes.

     "Gia, has Chelsea still been hanging around him at the office?" Brian looked at Gia.

     "Chelsea? The one who wouldn't leave him alone when he told her they were over?" James brows shot up.

     "Yeah, that one. A few weeks ago she told Nick she needed his help with some accounts. At least that's what he told us." He nudged Gia's arm. "Anything new on that front?"

     Gia swallowed, not liking where the conversation was headed. "Yeah, she's still hanging out at his office. Maybe more lately."

     James leaned in. "You think something's up with them again? She might be pretty, but sometimes it just isn't worth it."

     She shrugged. The thought made Gia lose her appetite, and their food hadn't even arrived. Once it did, she just picked at it.

     "You're one of those girls who hardly eats on dates. Just munches on veggies and salad," James complained.

     "No, she eats real food. I've seen her put away a burger and fries." Brian put his arm around Gia and she bristled, "Are you okay?"

     Gia plastered on a smile. The one that she'd perfected through the years. But she never learned how to make it reach her eyes. They remained blank and emotionless when she was having her internal struggles. Those who knew her well could read her that way. "I'm fine."

     Evie watched her friend. She knew that look. Stretching and covering a yawn, she spoke up, "I'm sorry to rain on the parade, but the week has really caught up with me, and I don't think I'll last much longer."

     Brian pulled his arm back. "Oh, I guess we should get the check then."

     A feeling of relief came over Gia. It was like Evie had read her mind. There was too much talk of Nick, and it had her mind swirling so much that she couldn't think of the present.

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