21-MTF The Way to a Man's Heart

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     "The entrance seems to hold great interest for you tonight," Allison whispered to Gia. "What could be so special about the doors into the office Christmas party?"

     Gia glanced over at Brian chatting with Stephen before opening her mouth, "I just... I-". She froze as Nick entered with a woman on his arm. The woman looked familiar. Madison. Nick's widowed neighbor. Allison squeezed her arm and gave her a sympathetic smile. Did Allison know that Gia still harbored feelings for Nick? Gia had been working hard to put those thoughts out of her mind. Dating Brian helped... sometimes. But seeing him with someone made all those feelings rush back to the forefront of her mind. Allison squeezed her arm again and Gia looked up to see Nick and Madison approach them.

     "Allison, Gia. You remember Madison, don't you Gia?" His eyes fell to Gia and she nodded and greeted the woman. Nick continued to introduce Madison to Stephen and Brian. The men were all smiles with Madison, but Allison, sensing Gia's discomfort, was more reticent.

     Madison was an enthusiastic talker, and immediately launched into a tale about her week, and how Nick had most recently saved her from a loose shelf attached to the wall. To hear her tell it, she would have died from an attack of falling books if he had not corrected the situation.

     Gia plastered on a smile and tried to seem interested.

     Throwing a hand over her chest, Madison went on, "I must say, though, the saying that 'the way to a man's heart is through his stomach' seems to be entirely true for me and Nick." Her hand reached down to his. "These past couple of years, whenever he's fixed things at my apartment, I've cooked or baked for him, and now, finally, he's asked me out." She wrapped an arm around his and batted her lashes up at him.

     He looked down and smiled enigmatically, leaving Gia at a loss as to how he felt about Madison's comments.

     Madison was a beautiful dark haired woman, who upon their first meeting seemed so sweet and innocent. Now it appeared that maybe she was more calculating than one would assume. Or maybe that's just the feeling Gia got, because Madison was successful at drawing in the very man who she kept running off. How many times had he reminded Gia he didn't do relationships?

     Gia watched Nick for a reaction to Madison's story of their love born through gastronomy, but his face was unreadable. Did he feel the same way Madison did? Why did her heart sink at Madison's words. They shouldn't bother her; she had Brian. But still, it hurt. Somewhere down deep, it had made her feel better, that even though she couldn't be with Nick, no one else held his heart either. The thought that she hadn't been enough to make him rethink relationships, but Madison could, left her feeling lost and questioning why she was with Brian if Nick still evoked such strong emotions from her.

     "I don't actually know if my girl can cook." Brian gave Gia a squeeze pulling her from her thoughts. "I tend to spoil her by taking her out. In fact we just celebrated our one month anniversary earlier this week, and I think I caught her by surprise with our dinner at Le Bernardin. But maybe she'll surprise me for our two month anniversary by cooking or baking, I'm not picky." He winked at Gia.

     Cue the eye roll. Gia forced a smile. It really shouldn't be so hard to admire the man you're dating, but she felt anything but admiration for Brian at the moment. There were just too many other things battling inside, none of them relating to Brian.

     When the guys turned away to talk with a mutual friend, Madison leaned in and said, "You know, Gia, ironically the first time I met you I was jealous of you."

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