35- MTF Snow Covered Mountains

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     "Right?" Gia responded to Evie as the chalet came into view. "When Jill invited us to their chalet, I had visions of one of those little 'A' framed homes, but this... this is more like a resort lodge!"

     A chuckle erupted from Scott in the back seat of the car. "Yeah, her family is loaded. It's pretty amazing inside too. Indoor pool, hot tub, sauna, game room, home theater, you name it. I was here with the group from church she invited last winter. You'll leave here being too spoiled to skiing anywhere else, that's for sure."

     "I'm down for being a little spoiled," Evie giggled as she spoke.

     Nick reached across the console to squeeze Gia's hand just before they parked in front of the house. A mixture of anxiety and excitement filled Gia as she thought of the weekend ahead. Being with Nick so much would definitely push their relationship along and test her comfort level with him. So far she'd not had any "episodes" with him, but since new year's eve he'd not tried to kiss her on the lips again. While she appreciated his concern for her, she didn't want to be treated like she was so fragile. That, combined with the fact that she knew he'd done much more than kiss women from his past, worried her that he might get bored with her. Part of her wanted to try and kiss him again, not just to prove that she wasn't so 'boring,' but also because she'd really liked it the first time and it was hard to hold back when they were alone. Another part of her didn't want to be the one to initiate their kiss again, but wanted to wait and see if it was hard for him to hold back as well.

     Sensing her troubled thoughts, Nick spoke softly to Gia. "Don't worry. We're here and it's going to be a great weekend." Then turning to Evie and Scott, "How about you ladies head up to the door, while Scott and I grab the luggage."

     "Are you sure? It's a lot."

"We've got it." Scott confirmed.

     As Gia and Evie walked towards the house, they took in the views. Even with the sun down, the snow reflected the light of the moon revealing the snow covered mountains that surrounded them. The muffled sound of the guys unloading the luggage, specifically the thought of the one man who kept showing her love in spite of all her hangups, heated her body from the inside defying the frigid temperatures that hit them upon exiting the car.

     Evie grabbed Gia's arm and squealed. "I'm so glad we came. Even in the moonlight I can see the slopes are going to be perfect."

     At the door they were greeted by an older, nice looking man. From some of his features, Gia could tell he was Jill's father. "Welcome! Come in! Come in!" He looked between the girls and then beyond them at the guys. "So you two must be Evie and Gia, though I'm not sure who is who. I'm Hudson Sterling, Jillian's father. She and the others are back in the great room with my wife, Katherine, and son, Chip."

     "I'm Evie." Evie raised her hand.

     "And I'm Gia. So good to meet you Mr. Sterling. Thanks for having us in your home."

     "Just call me Hudson, dear, and you are very welcome. Katherine and I only hope you don't mind us imposing on your weekend with friends. We normally let the kids have the place to themselves when they bring friends, but our son was needing to get away too, so we thought we'd join as well."

     "It's actually a nice surprise. I've really enjoyed getting to know Jill, and it will be nice getting to know you guys too." Evie grinned at Hudson.

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