44- MTF Aztec Spice

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     "The weekend of the engagement wasn't enough time to get to know Nick's parents. I'm really looking forward to having more time this visit." Gia pulled her feet up and placed a bowl of popcorn on the sofa, so Evie could reach it too.

     Evie nodded. "I still can't believe the year is up. I'm ready to move to Charleston To be near Matt, but it feels so weird leaving you after ten and a half years in the same city, five as roommates." Her face contorted as she tried to hold back tears.

     Gia play-punched her friend's shoulder as her own eyes moistened. "Stop it. You're killing me here. This is our last night together as roomies and we haven't even made it to seven pm without our first meltdown." She shook her head and wiped at her eyes before reaching out and grabbing Evie's hand.

     Smiling through her tears, Evie squeezed Gia's hand. "Just think, in a few months we'll both be married, and before long we'll be visiting each other's kids."

     Now the tears were unstoppable, and Gia fanned her face and tried to paste on a smile.

     "And both of us are going to be so busy the next few months. You especially, Gia, with your fiancé wanting to get married so soon."

     Gia shrugged and blushed thinking of how anxious Nick was to get married. He would have had them married sooner, but she convinced him that anytime before Evie left was much too rushed, and that she wanted to wait until October when Evie had a long weekend so she wouldn't have to take so many days off before the wedding. Just over five months was doable, but now that two months had passed it seemed like no time at all. Their wedding planner was indispensable. Truthfully, though, she was glad it was so close. It was getting harder and harder to go their separate ways at the end of the day. He was quickly becoming her best friend, and though she had been extraordinarily attracted to him from the beginning, their close emotional bond made her desire him even more. It made her somewhat nervous that he was very experienced sexually, but she had saved herself physically. The funny thing was that even though she used to worry that when the time came she would be scared of sex because of her past, but now that she was in love she constantly felt she had to hold herself back. She never knew it could be that way. Maybe Nick had the right idea to get married soon. She blinked and looked at Evie, hoping her thoughts and flushed face didn't betray her.

     "Do you remember when Matt and Evan came home from college to ask us to our senior prom? Bet you never would have dreamed you'd get to marry him." Evie nodded and her face lit up at Gia's question. "Matt had told Evan it was because he knew I wouldn't want to go without you and with him as your date Evan wouldn't have to worry about anyone taking advantage of you."

     Evie laughed at the memory.

     "I told you I thought he had a crush on you, but you refused to believe it." Gia smirked.

     "Yeah, I was scared to. Didn't want my heart broken."

     "I knew you two were always meant to be."

     Evie sighed and her smile grew wide. "I always hoped you and Evan would end up together, then we could really be sisters. It would have been fun with us being best friends and them too."

     Gia chuckled. "It would have been, but I don't think your brother ever saw me as anything more than another sister."

     Evie's mouth opened then closed.

     "What? What are you not saying."

     "Well, according to Matt, Evan always hoped for more with you."

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