55- MTF Beauty from Ashes

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Three years later:

     "Hey mom, do you need a diaper?" Jolie reached under the beach umbrella to grab the diaper bag.

     "Yeah, thanks. This little stinker is going to run everyone off the beach if I don't get him changed." A shadow fell in front of the umbrella and Gia looked up to see her husband.

     "Hey babe, I'll change him. You and Jolie go out there and enjoy some time in the sun for a bit."

     Gia leaned in for a kiss before passing off the baby and grabbing a float to relax on in the water. Once they were out far enough, Gia grabbed the rope hanging off of Jolie's float so they could drift together.

     "Noah's a cute baby. I love having a little brother."

     "Hopefully you'll still be saying that in a few months when he's toddling all over the house and getting into your things."

     Jolie chuckled. "Yeah, I'll have to keep my door closed." She waved her arm through the water making it swirl. "I really thought Aunt Evie would have a baby by now. I mean, they did get married before you."

     "They're trying, but it doesn't always happen right away, and sometimes people struggle to get pregnant."

     "That doesn't seem fair. So many people get pregnant without even trying and don't even want them or abort them, and then there are people like Aunt Evie and Uncle Matt who would be great parents and it's hard for them."

     "That's life in a broken world. Thankfully they know first hand the beauty and blessing of adoption." Gia placed a hand on Jolie's cheek.

     "Hmm. You know, when you first got pregnant with Noah I worried you wouldn't love me as much. Like maybe he would take priority and I would just kind of be this extra kid who was in the way and not as special to you and dad. I was jealous and he wasn't even born." Gia frowned at her daughter. "Don't worry, Mom, after he was born I saw that you didn't treat me any differently. It surprised me though, I've been so used to not being important to the adults in my life."

     Gia reached out and ran a hand through Jolie's hair. "I'm so sorry for all you've gone through. That's why we sent you to therapy just before Noah was born, and for the first few months after. We had a feeling it would be an emotional time for you. The ironic thing is, before Noah was born it was hard for me to imagine loving him as much as I already loved you."

     Jolie made a face. "What? How could you not love that adorable little guy?"

     Gia shrugged. "I know it sounds weird, but I did worry. I knew I had such a bond with you. You're a girl, and we've both been through sexual trauma. But my worries were all for nothing. Once he was born it was the strangest thing, I felt like God multiplied my love. Now I know if we have more it will be okay. Each of you will hold a special place in my heart."

     "Thanks mom." Jolie rolled her eyes and wiped tears from her eyes. "Now you've got me crying." Readjusting on her float she looked off in the distance at her dad and brother. "I also worried when you got married that things would change, that I would just be in the way."

     "I remember you went through that phase right after we got back from the honeymoon where you were cleaning everything in the house. You were trying to prove your worth weren't you."

     "Yeah. As happy as I was for you two, and as much as I liked dad, I was worried. But just like with Noah, you proved me wrong. It didn't take long for me to realize that even though things changed some, I would much rather have two parents who love me than just one. You guys are pretty great."

     A huge smile took over Gia's face. "There aren't many teenagers who would say that about their parents. You're pretty amazing yourself." She sighed contentedly. "Things don't always work out the way we think they will, but we trust God's plan. And he does like to give us good gifts. Oftentimes God's plan will be better than what we had in mind."

     "That makes me think of what you always say your grandad taught you when I say "I'm fine," God doesn't want us to just get by in life, he wants us to be more than fine."

     "Exactly, Jolie."

     Later that night after saying goodnight to Jolie and tucking Noah in for the night Gia slid into bed beside her husband.

     He pulled her close and placed a kiss on her forehead. "I love you beautiful."

     "You make me so happy. Life really is more than fine. I love you too." She nuzzled into his neck.

     As Gia drifted off to sleep her mind began to play back the day of her engagement.

Her husband, kneeling before her, had just opened the ring box and asked her to marry him, leaving her feeling overwhelmed by the decision. But then God's quiet voice seemed to speak to her from within.

"I give good gifts."

Gia heard the words God had spoken once before and felt goosebumps cover her arms. It couldn't be any clearer. Nick was the gift. "God gives good gifts," she said out loud.

Nick's eyebrows rose. "Is that a yes?"

"It's a yes." Gia nodded, tears already streaming down her face.


One fall day:

     Nick pulled Gia closer as their little family gathered around the gravestone and watched Jolie lean down to place a picture frame in front of it. Gia wrapped an arm around Jamal on her other side, and Jolie stepped back. Looking down, Gia smiled at their family portrait. They made quite the family with Jamal, Jolie, and Noah. Noah squirmed in her arms and Jolie reached over to calm him.

     "I'd like to pray." Nick squeezed Jolie on the shoulder and kissed Gia on the head. "Thank you God for my beautiful family. Thank you for your grace and mercy that goes far beyond what we could ever imagine for ourselves. You truly have brought beauty from ashes and given us good gifts. The best gifts. Ones that can't be measured by their monetary value, but by their eternal one. In the midst of our sadness at the loss of these two people that I wish I could have known, we rejoice that we will one day see them and be able to introduce them to their heritage."

~~~The End~~~


Author's note: Psalms 127:3-5 (ESV) Behold, children are a heritage from the LORD, the fruit of the womb a reward. Like arrows in the hand of a warrior are the children of one's youth. Blessed is the man who fills his quiver with them! He shall not be put to shame when he speaks with his enemies in the gate.

Thanks so much for reading! God has so much in store for you when you look to him for your hope! He wants you to live a life that is more than fine. One where you can find joy even when everything around you is falling apart!

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Baby name: Noah- means rest

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