43- MTF A Dream

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     Lunch twice a week with Allison became the norm. It was their time to catch up. Mr. Stein, and the others on the floor had been welcoming to her, but she didn't seem to click with anyone quite like she did with Allison. On the new floor there was also the awkwardness of Chris Mott, who had asked her to dance at the New Years party. He was constantly hanging out around her desk, and even asked if she was still dating Nick.

     "If he doesn't stop, you might need to report him to HR."

     "Yeah, I'm hoping it won't come to that. He's a nice guy, but it's unsettling." Especially with her past, Gia thought. "I'll say something to him if he continues, then if that doesn't work HR it is." Strangely enough, Gia felt that she and Allison became closer after her move. Now they had to actively plan to get together, and they'd even started to get together some after hours.

     In the midst of her adjustment at work, the reality of Evie leaving hit full force. Evie accepted a job with the Charleston County school district, so in two months she'd be gone. And as close as she had become to Nick, sometimes she needed female companionship.

     "When I get back from visiting home this weekend, we need to plan a double date." Evie had talked Gia into flying home for a three day weekend so she could sign some school paperwork in Charleston Friday and get some ideas about what she needed for her apartment, then they would visit Evie's parents Saturday and Sunday in Lawrence. There would probably even be some preliminary wedding planning since she and Matt had decided for an early December wedding, which was only seven months away. Nick was with her when Evie asked, and convinced her to go. He admitted he could use the extra time that weekend to get ahead on the car he was working on at Rodney's shop. And as for the day off on Friday, she could use one of the five vacation days the company had given her as a thank you for helping with the FBI case. She was saving the rest of the time for a trip home with Nick at the official end of her internship and before she started back as a permanent employee. They were going to split a week between Lawrence and his parent's home in Clemson.

     "Sounds good. We may have to work around whenever Nick plans to officially propose." Allison wiggled her eyebrows. "Any ideas when that will happen?"

     Gia grinned and bit her lip. "I have a feeling it will be on my birthday. It's May 21 so that's still just a couple of weeks away."

     Allison nodded. "Makes sense. I'm so excited for you guys. Stephen and I have talked marriage, but not looked at rings." She shrugged. "Of course, now that we're living together, it's not so much of a rush." Her eyes grew wide. "Oops, sorry. Not trying to make you uncomfortable. I know you don't believe in that sort of thing before marriage."

     Frowning, Gia tried to find words. "I don't, and it's because I don't think it's healthy for your relationship, but I also don't want you to think I'm going around judging you. You're not a Christian... yet," Gia winked, "so you're not going to view things the same way I do. But don't think I've given up on you becoming a Christian."

     "I know, I know, Jesus is the most important thing to you, and you don't want me to go to hell." Allison smirked when Gia's eyebrows shot up at her bluntness. "I will go to church with you one day, I promise. Just trying to work up the courage."

     "You talk like we're a bunch of cannibals."

     "Aren't you?"

     "I promise no one will eat you...the first time. But seriously, if you want, I'd love to do a Bible study with you. Just the two of us. Maybe actually reading the Bible and having someone to talk it through with will help dispel any preconceived notions you have about God."

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