42- MTF Everything with You

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     "I can't believe he told you he loves you again! I know you were beginning to doubt he meant it on Valentine's day." Evie pursed her lips and Gia realized it wasn't excitement she heard in Evie's voice. "And I know I didn't say it before, but... it seems like it's too soon, don't you think?"

     Gia raised an eyebrow at Evie. "It's not that soon. I mean, yes, we've only been dating three months, but we'd been flirting with each other for six months before that."

     Evie looked down, then back at Gia. "You're right, I'm so happy for you." Evie gave Gia a big hug, but something seemed off.

     "It bothers you that Matt's not said it yet, doesn't it?"

     Evie's head tilted down and she nodded. When she looked back up her eyes were glistening.

     Now it was Gia's turn to pull Evie into a hug. "I'm sorry. You know he's just slow about things. Always has been. Good grief, you guys have known each other forever and even though he was only two years ahead in high school he waited until now to ask you out."

     Pressing her lips together Evie shrugged. "I guess."

     "Come on, you know it's true. He might have waited even longer if he hadn't been worried about losing you to some New Yorker. You two are meant for each other. He wouldn't have worked so hard to get you an interview with the County of Charleston school system and a potential roommate if he wasn't thinking long term. So don't think those negative thoughts. I know all about where they lead, and it's nowhere good."

     "Yes mam," Evie chuckled. "So did you say it back to him?"


     "I love you. Did you say it back? You never did the first time."

     "Oh, yeah. It was kind of funny actually, I was in disbelief at first, then distracted when he said something about a surprise over Easter; so it took me forever to say it back. He was getting anxious and acting weird by the time I finally got it out."

     "I would have loved to have seen that! The always-put-together Nick looking awkward."

     "You think that's funny, you should have seen him at the restaurant before. He was absolutely giddy."

     Evie looked at Gia skeptically. "Giddy? Nick?"

     "Yeah. He had this goofy grin, and he was so bubbly and talkative. That was funny too, until the waitress seemed to think he was flirting and they started some long conversation about the desserts and she described them all to him in the most lustful way possible." Gia strung the last sentence out in one long frustrated breath, remembering the ordeal.

     "How do you describe desserts lustfully? Is that even possible?"

     "If you saw how she acted, you would know it is. I think she might have even moaned when she spoke about the chocolate soufflé. Though I have to admit it was really delicious."

     "Okay okay, I get it. So what was the surprise that distracted you?"

     "He didn't say. Maybe I can coax it out of him. Anyway, enough about me. We should start getting you packed for your spring break Easter trip."

     "That's a week away. I'll do it later."

     "Sure. I know you. You'll wait to the night before and panic. You're packing for several interviews, and some dates." Gia wiggled her eyebrows.

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