41- MTF FBI Decision

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     After sitting in a department meeting for the past forty-five minutes, Gia stifled a yawn. In her peripheral vision, she saw Allison hold back a grin. Gia had been counting stripes on the speakers tie, but that could only hold her attention so long. Thankfully most of what was being discussed she knew from a previous discussions with Nick. The sound of Nick's phone vibrating drew everyone's attention from the speaker.

     "Do you need to get that?"

     "Sorry." Nick flipped over his phone and saw the text. "No it can wait." He slipped the phone into his lap and the speaker continued with his presentation.

     Everyone else turned their eyes back to the front of the room, yet Gia watched Nick and couldn't help but notice the tension in his posture after he saw the text. The last twenty minutes of the meeting she was more alert, but more distracted and on edge. Nick put on his game face and acted focused on the presentation, but Gia knew his eyes told a different story, one of worry.

     The moment the meeting was over Nick darted out of the room, and Gia turned to follow but was stopped by Chris with questions. Her eyes followed Nick while she tried to understand what Chris was asking. By the time she got away and made it to Nick's office, she saw that the door was closed and returned to her desk to try and work until he could tell her what was going on. Deep down she knew it had to do with the case.

     Minutes later her in-office phone rang.

     "I need to see you in my office." Nick hung up before she could respond. His voice was shaky which couldn't be good.

     Hurriedly Gia grabbed her laptop and notepad before turning towards Nick's office. She tapped on his door and it was thrown open almost immediately, then shut behind her. Before she could contemplate the strange look on Nick's face, he pulled her into a hug. She nearly dropped the laptop.

     "It's over, Gia! Well for me at least. I've been dismissed!"

     "What?" Gia leaned back. "Are you serious? That's wonderful! Nick, I'm so happy for you."

     He grinned broadly. "And for us." His voice softened as he kissed her forehead.

     "Tonight I'm taking you out to celebrate, my treat!" When he made a face she added, "After six weeks of stress you deserve it, so I don't want to hear about how the man is supposed to buy the woman dinner. I know you're thinking it." Smiling up at him she pecked his cheek before dropping into one of his guest chairs. "Let's get to work so we can get out of here at a decent time tonight."

     "Oh, and just so you know, we still can't say anything to people about any of this. Not until the FBI make it public themselves after finishing their investigation. They'll instruct us on what we can talk about."

     At the reminder of the FBI she looked around the room and blushed thinking of their kisses moments before and the fact that his room was under surveillance.

     "Don't worry. I pulled those things down the moment they told me, even though they say they were shut off, I'm not taking any chances. I'm tired of having my every movement analyzed."

     Gia relaxed and the news of his dismissal began to settle in. The joy she felt was somewhat diminished with the thought that she and Nick couldn't share this great news with anyone, at least anyone they would want to celebrate with. The Morgan Stanley executives, the FBI agents, their lawyer, and especially Brian weren't the people she had in mind but they were the only ones they could discuss it with. Regardless, the smile n her face wasn't leaving any time soon.

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