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      Gia stared at the open box of crumb cake and a slow smile appeared. There had been no kiss when Nick dropped her off. He had awkwardly said goodnight, stepped back as she opened her door, then waved, though he didn't move until after she was inside. She'd even looked through the peep hole and caught him standing there mumbling to himself for several minutes before finally leaving. Needless to say, she'd had sweet dreams through the night.

     Looking down at the note Nick had enclosed in the morning delivery, she unfolded it with shaky fingers, and a feeling of hope.


Thank you again for accompanying me last night. I was stupid to have tried to avoid having you as my intern. We make a great team. Couldn't resist getting you this. I hope you think it's as great as I do. Next time I'll take you there. See you tomorrow.


     Reading it three times, Gia slumped into a kitchen chair. What was she to make of this. "We make a good team?" Should she read that with romantic undertones? "Evie! I need your help." As Evie approached, Gia held out the note. "What does it mean?"

     Evie read the letter, then looked back up at Gia pensively, biting her lip, before changing to a serious look. "I don't know what it means, but I'll tell you what we're going to do. First, you're going to send him a text thanking him, then we're going to eat some of this heavenly smelling pastry, next we'll go to church and get our minds back off of this, and finally we'll go to the park this afternoon and you can tell me all of the details from last night. Your giggles and sighs weren't quite enough when you came home."


     "Someone needs to go visit H.R. today." Allison wiggled her eyebrows as Gia approached her desk Monday.

     "What?" Gia looked at her friend in confusion, and glanced around beginning to feel embarrassment.

     Allison laid a newspaper on Gia's desk. "Look. The Sunday paper. Front page of the local section."

     All the blood drained from Gia's face as she stared down at a picture of her slow dancing with Nick, head on his chest and his chin on the top of her head. They looked quite cozy, and according to the caption "things are heating up between wealthy businessman and philanthropist, Nick Bellanti and his intern." She sank into her chair and looked back at Allison shaking her head. "We're not... it's not what it looks like."

     "It's not?" Allison's face fell. "But you texted me that it was wonderful, and you would give me details today."

     "I know." Gia rubbed her forehead. "But nothing really happened. Nothing definite, and I had thought maybe he would talk to me about it yesterday to clarify before work, but he never did... which leads me to believe that it really meant nothing."

     "What meant nothing? I'm confused and need all the details before I can agree."

     "Ease up, Ali," Stephen chimed in.

     "It's okay, but how about we do that over break at ten. I really need to get in there for my morning meeting." Truthfully, Gia was dreading morning meeting, after hearing nothing more on Sunday other than his "you're welcome" reply text. She and Evie weren't able to make heads or tails out of what all of Nick's actions and the note implied.

     "Sure, and the paper is for you to keep."

     Gia groaned, but slid it into her bag before gathering things for her morning meeting.

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