46- MTF Distraught

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     Easing back to her room Gia fell on the bed. Would he finally tell her what happened so long ago? So many thoughts scrambled through her mind after two restless nights. This morning was a coffee morning and she didn't even drink the stuff. Quietly she made her way downstairs towards the kitchen in search of the morning elixir that so many swore by. Instead of an empty kitchen she found Amanda holding Olivia, the baby.

     "Morning. Are you okay Gia? You look a little distraught."

     "I, um, have a lot on my mind, and to be honest I didn't sleep well... because of that. Not because anything was wrong with the bed. Do you have coffee?" She smelled it, but wasn't sure where the coffee maker was.

     "Of course, dear. It's right behind you." In a flash Amanda was up with Olivia on her hip and a coffee cup held out to Gia. "There's sugar right there." She pointed. "And if you like cream, I have some in the fridge.

     "Thanks. I don't normally drink it, so I'm thinking I should load it up."

     "Anything you want to talk about?"

     Gia looked past Amanda into the living room and saw Emma passed out on the sofa. "I haven't been to Spartanburg since... since everything happened." Amanda nodded, understanding what Gia referred to. "And I think I'm finally ready to go. I think Nick going with me will make it bearable, maybe even help me heal more, face things from my past that I've avoided. At first I was hurt that he'd not mentioned that was where he was from, but I get it now. I'm not mad about it anymore. But yesterday when I told him I thought I wanted to go, he shut me down. More than once."

     Amanda placed a hand on Gia's arm and patted it. "I'll talk to him. I'm sure it's out of worry for you."

     Nodding, Gia's mind went back to the conversation she overheard upstairs. She was fairly sure Nick's mom still didn't know what caused his "issue," so she wouldn't bring that up. No need to cause her distress. What did worry her was how to handle it if Nick didn't offer to tell her soon. She'd told him before that it didn't matter, but after hearing Arianna's reaction she was reconsidering that decision.

     "Morning Nick. Just the person I need to talk with."

     Nick looked at his mother with weary eyes.

     Arianna stood just behind and crossed her arms in frustration. "I've got to get to work. Thanks for keeping the kids. Maybe you can talk some sense into him."

     Amanda winked, clearly thinking Amanda was referring to the trip to Spartanburg. She slipped past Nick so Amanda could give Olivia a goodbye kiss. "Love you, dear. Have a good day."

     "Thanks. Love you too, Mom."

     Once Arianna was gone, Amanda returned to her seat at the kitchen table. "Nick, I know you're a grown man, and I'm sorry to interfere, but I think you need to listen to your wife to be and take her to Spartanburg. I would take her myself, but I think she'll find the most healing if you take her."

     Nick's mouth flattened into a straight line, and anger flashed in his eyes. "Mom, you're right, you shouldn't interfere."

     "Nick!" Gia gasped. "She's just trying to help me. Why are you so against it? I know if it turns out badly it will affect you, but I don't think it will. And don't you want to give me that chance for healing?"

     His whole body tensed and he fisted his hands. "Gia." His voice sounded pained. "You don't know what you're asking." His last words were whispered.

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