31- MTF Riding a Bike

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     The line for ice skating moved quickly. Nick was right, the Central Park ice rink was quicker to get into than the one at Rockefeller Center. It had a unique view too with the trees in the foreground and the skyscrapers beyond. Gia shivered and leaned in closer to Nick as they made their way to pick up skates. This felt right and good. It was nice, after so many years of fear, to be with a man that she felt comfortable with when they physically touched. It was better than nice. It was wonderful. She tried to remember what it was that initially made her feel so comfortable around him. Smiling to herself, she remembered it wasn't his personality. At first he had been so prickly. Was it the fact that he was so good looking? No, she recalled there had been something about the way he looked at her, like he really understood her. Logically it didn't make sense, but deep down she had felt from the very beginning that she could trust him. And here they were six months later, dating, and the truth was, for the first time ever, she actually wanted her date to kiss her. Was it because she wanted to prove she could, or was it only because it was him. She chuckled to herself.

     Nick turned and squeezed her hand. "What's so funny?"

     "Nothing." Gia smiled and shook her head. How embarrassing would her thoughts be to explain?

     Before Nick could press her on it, they were at the front of the line for their skates.

     "You've skated before, right?" Nick reached for Gia's hand once she was laced up.

     She tilted her head. "I have, but it's been since high school. You think it's like riding a bike and just comes back to you?"

     "Absolutely! In fact, I'm counting on it. It's been a few years for me too."

     "Have you ever skated here?"

     "I have."

     As they worked their way to the entrance, Gia felt jealousy rise up. She knew he'd been with women, even though he said he'd not had a serious long term relationship since college. She wondered who he came with before. Was this normal to feel jealous of past women when on a first date? She'd never cared before.

     Nick looked down at her as they approached the entrance to the rink. "I can see your mind working, and no I did not plan our first official date at a location where I brought a date in the past. It was my sister."

     "I don't know that this counts as a first date anymore, since you took me to dinner on the way home from work last night."

     "That does not count," Nick insisted. That wasn't something we planned to do ahead of time, where you had time to get ready, then I picked you up-"

     "And brought me flowers." Gia grinned and tugged at his hand. Thanks for making today special.

     He leaned down like he was going to kiss her forehead, but froze and pulled back.

     "I wouldn't have minded." Gia's words came out softly, and Nick raised a brow. She shrugged. "Things are different with you. I feel safe, it doesn't scare me when you touch me."

     A small smiled pulled up on Nick's face, before he wrapped an arm around her waist and pulled her close. "I'm glad." His voice was strained. Breathing deeply, he held her gaze and looked like he wanted to say more, but stopped himself. "Ready?" He tilted his head towards the ice. When Gia nodded, he reached down and pulled her hat over her ears, then fluffed her scarf up around her neck. "Gotta keep my girl warm."

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