19- MTF Rescue the Fair Maiden

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     "Gia, look who I found in the lobby!"

     Gia looked up at Allison, then noticed the three people with her. "Mom! Dad! Evan!" She took turns hugging her friends. How did you get here? I thought you would be at the airbnb and Evie would be hanging out with you. And where's Matt?" She looked back towards the elevators.

     The woman she had called mom, laughed. She was a beautiful brown skinned woman, with dark curly hair that she left free, and it was obvious she was Evie's mom. "Slow down. We already dropped our things at the airbnb, then we went by your place and got Evie to do some touring and meet you for lunch. She and Matt are downstairs. We figured 5 people huddled around your desk might be too much. Three people still might be." She chuckled again. "Allison recognized Evie and was nice enough bring us up." She paused and looked at Nick, who was standing next to Gia. "And who might this handsome young man be?"

     Gia felt her face heat up at the reminder that Nick had been standing there all along. When she glanced his way she could tell he was thoroughly confused and on edge. "Everyone, this is Nick, my internship mentor. Nick, these are Evie's parents, Barb and Brent Walker, and her brother Evan."

     Nick's expression eased and he greeted the group.

     Brent's face lit up. "Nick, it's good to meet you. Gia speaks so highly of you. She's like a daughter to us, so it means a lot for us to meet who she's working with."

     Evan was leaning up against Gia's desk, eying Nick. Over the past few months Evie had been giving Evan the play by play of the Gia and Nick saga, and it was clear Evan was not sure that Nick deserved any accolades. Evan moved closer to Gia and through an arm over her shoulder. "Basically we're here to rescue the fair maiden and take her to lunch." Evan winked at Gia.

     "You should join us, Nick!" Barb gushed. "We would love to get to know you."


     "This is where Gia ran into Nick for the first time." Evie chuckled. "Literally ran into him and he had to keep her from falling. It was before she even met him at work or knew who he was."

     The whole table seemed to find that amusing, particularly Evan. "That sounds about right. Gia's not exactly known for her gracefulness." Evan budged against Gia's shoulder and grinned.

     Nick looked between the two and his smile vanished.

     "Hey, hey," Gia shot back. "I clearly remember eating flan with raspberry sauce at that restaurant on the square," Gia smirked and and wrapped a hand around Evans's bicep. "You remember, I'm sure, when someone," she cleared her throat, "Evan, dropped their glass of iced tea into the sauce and it splashed all over both of us. Hmm? Sound familiar?"

     "Now you've done it!" Evan wrapped an arm around Gia's neck and pulled her to his chest, while mussing her hair.

     Gia could practically feel the tension emanating from Nick on the other side of the table as his eyes narrowed at Evan. Hers searched out Evie's, looking for moral support, but Evie was thoroughly engrossed in whatever tale Matt was spinning. She fidgeted with the fork and knife in front of her, lining them up perfectly. When she looked up, Nick was watching and holding back a smile. Heat rose to her cheeks.

     "So, Nick, do you have family close by?" Barb asked.

     "Um, no ma'am."

     "You should join us for thanksgiving tomorrow.. I have to admit I've ordered it all, but the caterer does get good reviews. We just couldn't come up here and miss the Macy's Thanksgiving day parade, but that of course doesn't leave much time for cooking."

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