Chapter 11: Baby

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After Cate kissed your forehead, she grabbed your hand and took you to the couch. She stretched herself out, allowing for you to lay nearly on top of her. Your head rested in her neck and chest, your legs tangled together. You decided to watch one of her movies. Well, she didn't want to, but when you gave her the puppy dog eyes she couldn't resist.

While lying together though, Cate seemed unsure of where to lay her hands, as if she was scared to touch you after what happened earlier. At one point she started to bring her hand to your hip, but quickly moved it after she realized what she was doing.

You took her hand and firmly placed it along your side, tapping it a few times. You then proceeded to kiss her cheek and whisper into her hair, "You don't have to be afraid to touch me, I'm yours. If it's too much, I'll tell you. I promise."

No sooner than the words left your mouth did her hand navigate from your hip to your butt.

"That's better," you enticingly say while placing a kiss on her jaw.

You chose to watch the movie Bandits and you were getting frustrated because Cate hadn't appeared on the screen yet. It had been over thirty minutes!

You dramatically sat up and crossed your arms pouting.

"Are you even in this movie?!" You whined at her.

She playfully rolled her eyes at you and you threw a couch pillow. It accidentally hit her in the head and she proceeded to get 'mad' at you. She started to stand up and you did the same, putting your hands out in front of you as you backed away from her. You couldn't help but laugh at her attempts to be mad.

She started to chase you around the couch, you two were like five-year-olds. Ultimate bliss filled the air, that was, until you cut a corner too close and absolutely ate the ground.

Cate almost fell on the floor, laughing with you. You were laughing so hard you thought you might pee yourself.

Suddenly, the door from the garage area opened. It was the young woman you saw earlier at Cate's work, Taryn, with Blue's leash in her hand.

You both quickly composed yourselves. You called for Blue while Cate walked over to grab the rest of the pup's things from the woman.

Blue jumped on top of you, licking every inch of your face.

You heard Taryn say that she was going to head home but to let her know if you all needed anything else.

"Thank you!" You yelled before Cate escorted her back to her car.

You proceeded to talk to Blue, keeping yourself occupied while you were alone.

When Cate returned to inside the home she called out, "Come here, Bluey!"

Blue left you in the dust, running over to Cate quickly and jumping on to her.

"Blueeee," you shouted in an annoyed tone.

"Y/n, she's fine," Cate responded. "I adore dogs, especially one as cute as this baby."

You helped yourself up from the ground and walked towards the pair.

"How come you never call me 'baby'?" You ask, crossing your arms over your bust.

Cate rolled her eyes, helping Blue off of her. She walked towards you enticingly, and you moved backwards until your legs and butt hit the cabinet located behind you.

Cate brought her mouth to your hair, her hands to your hips. Your hand found the side of her neck as she leaned in.

She whispered, "I'll call you whatever I want."

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