Chapter 21: Drawings

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When you made it back to California, you decided to take a few more days off from work, and off from life, really. It may have seemed crazy to be so upset about the situation, given the way the your father and stepmother treated you, but they were still family after all. Losing family, it's just...different.

You spent the days at your place because, although you loved Cate and everything that she was doing for you, you wanted to find your own headspace without feeling like a burden. Plus, when you come back to California without Julianne, you tend to get a bit sad. So, this time, it was a double whammy.

You decided to make Cate a 'thank you' gift during your time apart. You were forced to activate the creativity center of your brain, as you couldn't buy something for someone who has, what seems like, all the money in the world.

You took to Pinterest, hoping to stir up an idea or two, but nothing was just right. You finally figured out the most perfect one, something that intertwined two of the things Cate enjoyed most in her life.

When you finally felt as if your head was clear, you reached out to Cate. You missed her touch, a few days being the most deprivation you could bare. You called her but the phone rang all the way through. You went ahead and left a voicemail.

"Hi baby. I probably caught you at a bad time...I'm sorry. Um, just call me back when you get a chance. I miss you."

You threw your head back against the cold sheets, wishing your touch was met by her body instead. You closed your eyes, slowly blowing air out of your mouth in order to keep yourself focused on something other than the excessive thoughts in your head.

The sudden sound of your phone threw you out of your trance and back into reality. Cate's name danced across the screen.

"Hi," you said softly.

"Hi, darling. I'm sorry I missed your call. I was in the shower, getting ready to head home from the studio," she responded.

That voice was heaven on Earth.

"You're okay. I was just calling to tell you I miss you," you replied, a grin creeping onto your face.

"Is that a smile I hear?" She chuckled deeply.

"Maayyyybe," you said, elongating the word. 

"I miss you too. When can I see you again?" Cate asked.

"If you weren't getting off work I'd say right now, but I'm sure you're exhausted."

"I could never be too tired for you. Plus, your best friend is being dropped off at 7. We'd love the company," she insisted.

"Edi!" You nearly squealed.

"Goodness, I think you like her more than you like me!" She chuckled.

"I mean..." you teased, trailing off your sentence.

"I'll be at your house in twenty minutes. You better bring my baby Blue," Cate said, hanging up the phone and not giving you anytime to respond.

You laughed at her dorky self before jumping up from your position on the bed, suddenly beyond excited to get to see your two favorite blondes today.

You quickly grabbed some things and threw them in a bag, both for Blue and yourself. You took your pup's leash and attached it to her collar in anticipation for the familiar Escalade to make its appearance outside. You made sure to not forget Cate's gift, holding onto it delicately as you didn't want to disrupt its packaging.

Your phone buzzed in your pocket, but you didn't even look. You grabbed your keys and wallet, heading out the front door. You locked it behind you before running down the stairs with Blue. Cate's back rested against the car door, arms and ankles crossed, attempting to act 'cool', but in reality, she was just as excited to see you.

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