Chapter 39: Gems

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"Pretty girl," you heard faintly, as the backs of fingers brushed across your forehead, the sound and sensation causing you to stir. You opened your eyes slowly, finding Cate looking down at you. God, she was gorgeous.

"Hi," you whispered groggily, bringing your fists to rub the sleep away.

"Hi, princess," Cate returned softly, moving her hand to rest on your blanket-covered thigh. "I didn't want to wake you but we have to leave in an hour and a half, and the kiddos will be here soon."

"It's okay," you smiled, placing one hand on top of hers. "I'm sorry I slept so long."

"Never apologize, your body needs rest," she assured, leaning down to give you the first kiss of the day. You put your other hand on the back of her head, deepening it before letting her pull away.

"Merry Christmas Eve," she said, reaching to grab a small gift from the bedside table.

"Cateeee," you whined, "you've already gotten me way too much."

"It's just something little," she grinned. "Open it."

You scooted up a bit, letting your back settle against the headboard while dragging a sheet up with you to not expose your barren chest. You then took the box from her, sliding off the ribboned bow. You looked up at her with a smile before biting your bottom lip and lifting up the lid.

"Baby," you gasped, your hand coming to cover your mouth, your gaze finding hers as tears automatically brimmed your eyes.

"I'm guessing you like them?" She asked with a laugh, seeing your glossed over eyeballs.

You nodded, not finding the words. You peered down at the present before you, a pair of moonstone earrings and bracelet alike.

"I couldn't find anything exactly like your mother's gem but I figured that these would do," she smiled, looking between your face and the pieces of jewelry.

"They're perfect," you said quietly, finally able to speak properly. You took a beat before perching up and placing a peck on the lips. "Thank you," you whispered against her mouth.

"Of course, baby girl."

You looked down at her gift once more before pouting  and throwing yourself back against the headboard. Slight annoyance laced your tone as you revealed, "I already put your presents in the sacks downstairs."

She chuckled at your childlikeness, "I think I can wait 24 hours."

You moved your mouth to the side, slyly sliding a hand up her clothed thigh. "Do we have time?"

She widened her eyes at you, a smirk joining her lips. She stopped your hand's movement by lightly grabbing your wrist. "You kind of wore me out last night," she laughed.

You pleaded with her, "Come onnnnn. You know you could go for a fourth round right now. Plus, I'm sure Edi is going to be in our bed all week. So, this is the last time we will get to do anything until we get back."

She rolled her eyes playfully before taking her hand away, voluntarily letting yours trail higher. You placed her gift back on the bedside table and pushed yourself towards her, your lips quickly attaching to hers. Your hand worked it's way to the button of her jeans while your tongue slid into her mouth.

"Take these-"

You were interrupted by a stampede of footsteps coming from downstairs.

"Dammit," you sighed, slumping your shoulders and frowning.

Cate just laughed at your demeanor. She started to stand up, tapping your knee with her index finger, "You might wanna put a shirt on, love."

You looked down at your topless state, then raised the sheet up. You didn't have one stitch of clothing on. You shook your head and smiled at the situation, annoyed as you were now horny and Cate wasn't there to help, yet grateful that you got to do life with her crazy ass.

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