Chapter 26: Always

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You were almost to Andrew's house, jamming to 90s country, of course, when your phone started to ring.

"Hi, Ms. Blanket," you answered playfully.

"Hi, my pretty girl," she replied. "Are you almost there?"

"The GPS says 6 minutes!"

"Good! Although, I still don't know why you didn't take one of the Escalades. You didn't need to waste your own gas driving all the way out there."

You rolled your eyes, saying, "Cate, you don't need to mother me goofy. I told you I was fine. I wouldn't do it if I didn't want to."

"I know, I know, but still," she responded with a small huff.

"I love you so much, you know that?"

"Mm, I've heard it a time or two. I love you more sweet girl.

You heard her smile through the phone and you happily hummed, then asking, "How's work going?"

"I think it's going to be a late one and I'm so fucking tired already. I got up at 3:30 this morning," she said with a sigh.

"I'm sorry, love. Do you want me to come and beat someone up? Because you know I will. My baby can't have her beauty sleep taken away from her," you feigned overprotectiveness.

She chuckled lowly, going along with your game, "I think I can handle this one."

"Just say the word and I'm there," you continued in a sing-songy tone.

"Okay, baby," she said with another laugh. "Speaking of beauty sleep, will I get to have you in my bed tonight?"

"Hmmmm, I don't know. That is a tough decision," you teased.

You then heard a yell and Cate talking to someone on her end of the line.

She groaned before speaking again, "I have to go, but at least stay for a little bit so I can see you tonight. Okay?"

You responded softly, "Of course."

"I love you, pretty girl. You two have fun," she returned.

"Will do. I love you most."

You both said goodbye, Cate regretfully hanging up the phone. Soon after, you were turning into her ex-husbands driveway. You were praying to anything and everything that he didn't make his way outside.

You followed the circle path of the driveway, pulling up near the front door and throwing the car in park. After a moment, the door opened, a familiar little blonde running out of the house. You smiled widely, jumping out of the car.

"Y/n!" She screamed, rounding the car.

"Edi!" You matched, scooping her up into your arms.

You spun her around in your embrace, setting her back on her feet and kneeling down to her level after a few turns.

"How are you, my princess?" You asked, running a hand down the side of her arm.

"Goooood," she elongated. "I misseded you!"

She threw herself on you again and you happily accepted another hug.

You giddily responded, "I missed you more!"

You pulled back to look at her, admiring how cute she looked with her tiny pigtails and flowery dress.

"When she found out you were picking me up, she commanded that she needed to see you," Dash interjected with a laugh, sitting his book bag in the car. "Come on, Edi. Y/n and I have to go."

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