Chapter 23: Talk

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You were standing in front of the full length mirror in Cate's room, admiring your outfit for the night. Edith was sitting on the bed behind you, seemingly, watching your every move. She had not left your side all day, and although you weren't complaining, you wished you had a moment to yourself to physically express your emotions. Your anxiety was starting to get the best of you.

You let out an elongated sigh of nervousness as you ran a hand over the front of your sweater.

"Is somefing wrong?" Edith asked sweetly.

You caught her eyes in the mirror and offered a small smile, responding, "My tummy is just a little upset."

You weren't completely lying, your nerves were shot.

"Mommy gives me some pink stuff when my tummy hurts."

You laughed to yourself, stating, "I think I might have to use some of that."

You turned around to face the baby blonde, asking, "So, how does it look?"

You danced around in a little circle, showing off every side of your outfit.

"You wook pwetty," Edith complimented.

You we're about to respond when a familiar voice cut in.

"I second that," Cate said with a grin as she poked her head in the door.

You turned your lips up at her comment, Cate, in turn, sensing something was off.

"Bambina, can you do me a favor and go play with Blue for a minute?" Cate requested of Edith, walking into the room.

The little one obliged, jumping off the bed and shuffling out of the room. Cate followed behind her, bringing the bedroom door to a crack. As she did so, you returned to face the mirror, analyzing every little detail of your appearance.

Cate came up behind you, lacing her arms around your waist and planting a kiss on your exposed neck. You let out a long breath, bringing your hands to fall on top of hers.

"I'm so nervous," you admitted at almost a whisper.

Cate's grip around you tightened and she pulled you further into her embrace. You closed your eyes, allowing your head to rest back on her shoulder.

"It's going to be fine, my love," Cate replied in a futile attempt to relax you.

You groaned, prying away from her grip and walking into the bathroom. Cate went after you, leaning against the doorframe, as you put on the finishing touches of your makeup and straightened up the counter.

"They're a few teenage boys...well, ones a year off, but still. They're only're great with Edi," Cate tried to reason.

"One, teenagers scare the living shit out of me. Two, they're not just any kids, they're your kids. They probably already hate me for just...existing. Three, Edith is different and you know that," you responded with a huff, looking in her direction briefly.

"They don't hate you, y/n," Cate responded, slight annoyance lacing her tone. "Roman was upset when I first told him, and I'm sure there's still some angst there. It's a difficult situation. You know what it was like, being that age and watching your parents go through a divorce, and then your father moving on. I guarantee you had some pretty harsh feelings about the whole thing."

You paused your movements, staring at her, "Cate, I'm not blaming Roman or any of the kids for how they feel. They are allowed to handle their emotions in any way they see fit, I'm not going to dock them for that. I'm just...I don't even know. I can just see them thinking that I'm the reason your marriage didn't work out, that I'm the one who broke up this family. I am why it can't be the six of you all together anymore. I'm scared that they're just gonna see me as some kid who is trying to use you or something..."

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