Chapter 6: Places

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It had been a few days since you had seen Cate in person. You had been texting back and forth during the time apart, and arranged for your 'second date'. You had planned to cook chicken Parmesan for her because, honestly, you're not much of a cook and it's pretty simple.

You had just parked your car in front of your loft and were grabbing the groceries out of the back seat when you heard your phone ring. You struggled to get the phone out of your pocket, as your arms were lined with bags, so you didn't have to make a second trip, of course.

Once you managed to nudge the phone out of your pocket, you saw the caller ID read Cate's name. You dropped some of the bags back on the seat to answer.

"Cate, hi," you said, trying not to sound too excited.

"Hi darling!"

"You better not be calling to cancel on me," you said with a slight chuckle into the phone.

Your fears were met when silence rang through on the other end of the line.

"Cate?" you said with concern.

"Well...I'm not calling to cancel, per se. Um..but I, I have a change in plans. I have to film for a little while tonight because we're running behind. The last thing I want to do is-"

You cut her off. " it's okay. We can just do it another night.."

You tried your best not to sound disappointed. You were really looking forward to seeing her.

"No, no, no. Listen, like I said, just a change of plans. How about I have a car come pick you up, and you join me at the studio until I'm finished, and then we can do dinner. How's that sound?"

You didn't know what to say, honestly. You were dumbfounded. She just invited you to come onto a film set? To watch her work?

"Are you serious?" you ask in an obviously, overly delighted tone.

"A car will be there to pick you up in 30 minutes. See you soon, love."

You didn't even get to respond for she hung up the phone. You look at your cell in absolute awe for the human being that is Cate Blanchett. But then, you realize she said 30 minutes.

"Fuck!" You say out loud.

You rush to gather all of the groceries and run up the front stairs. You hurriedly grab your keys and unlock the door, entering and shutting it behind you with the kick of your foot. You run over and throw the bags on the ground in the kitchen. You quickly rummage through the plastic, flinging open the fridge door, and putting all the cold items away. You don't even care about the rest of the groceries that set in the middle of the floor.

You sprint to your bedroom and kick off your shoes.


You don't want to overdo it, but you definitely have to look presentable if you're gonna be with Cate. The issue is, you are California broke with nothing that could compare to Cate's wardrobe.

Cate's wardrobe.

You suddenly remember that she left her clothes there.

You walk into your closet to find her light pink blazer that you had hung up for her to retrieve tonight.

You decide to pair the jacket with high waisted, light wash jeans, a white lace bodysuit, and chunky, strapped white heels.

You take a look in the mirror and your outfit looks better than you thought. The jacket was a little long in the arms, as Cate was a few inches taller than you, but it was certainly good enough, and exceeded anything in your closet.

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