Chapter 45: Life

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You had just gotten out of the shower, throwing on panties and a big shirt to sleep in.  After doing your nightly routine, you turned off the bathroom light and headed towards bed, a bed your beautiful human resided in. She was wearing one of her silk robes, reading from a book you had never heard of before. Her pink glasses rested on the bridge of her nose, offering an effortless sexiness you could never get tired of.

You literally jumped onto the comforter, crawling on your knees over to her side. You moved one leg over her lap, straddling her thighs and hoping to earn some attention. She didn't do anything other than mindlessly bring her hand to rest on your leg, a pout dawning your mouth when her eyes failed to trail from the words on the page. You bit your lip and reached for her glasses, carefully taking them off her face and placing them on your own.

"Hey!" She complained, laying the book down on your shared laps.

"What? Do I not look good in them?" You asked teasingly, puckering your lips and looking to the side as if you were getting your picture taken.

She rolled her eyes at you and let on a small smile. "What is your fascination with those things?"

You got what you wanted as she took her book and placed the bookmark you made for her inside. She then closed it and put it on the bedside table, both of her hands promptly moving to caress your thighs with purpose.

"You look hot in them and I get jealous."

"You get jealous....of glasses..." she spoke as a statement more than a question.


"You're such a dork," she said with a grin and shake of her head.

You smiled widely and scrunched up your eyes. "And proud of it."

She simply stared at you, taking in all of your beauty. Your eyes locked for a moment before you leaned down to place a gentle peck on her lips. Afterwards, you laid her glasses on top of the novel.

"So, can you go over the plan for tomorrow again?" You asked, resting both of your arms on her shoulders, your own hands finding themselves threaded through the hair on the back of her neck.

"What? Are you nervous or something?" She played.

"I'm always nervous," you admitted without recourse, "Especially around you..."

You leaned down to kiss her lips again, this time with a little more force. You gripped onto her hair tightly and scooted your groin forward on her body. You were practically sitting on her stomach as your kiss started to get more intense. Her nails dug into the skin on the outside of your thighs, your hands coming to hold her cheeks. You asked for permission to enter her mouth, your tongue sliding across her lips. She granted your wish, your tongues now meeting in a sweet exchange, rubbing across one another in a way they hadn't in a while.

You moaned into Cate's mouth, the sensation drawing a smirk. When you felt her lips curve up, you knew you were in even more trouble. Cate was tired physically, but she was never too exhausted to be turned on by you. She skillfully wrapped her arms around your back and pulled her legs out from under you. Your arms returned around her shoulders as she lowered your back onto the mattress. Her hands started to roam every inch of your body, her lips trailing to one her favorite places on yours. You exhaled as she attached her open mouth to your neck, your lower half reacting as she sucked ferociously.

"Don't leave a mark," you managed to get out, pulling her face back up to meet yours.

"Morag can cover it up," she insisted, attempting to continue her onslaught.

"I don't want Morag to have-"

Before you could finish your sentence, a whine came from the doorway. You both whipped your heads to find Edith. Your little best friend was rubbing her eyes, attempting to rid the tiredness within them.

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