Chapter 27: Breathtaking

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TW//rape, sexual abuse

Your eyes fluttered open to find your favorite blonde laying on your chest. When you got her back to bed last night, she basically fell asleep as soon as she hit the sheets. You had to strip her of her day's clothing, tugging off her jeans and sweater, managing to get her into an oversized t-shirt. You then proceeded to attempt to remove her makeup. It was...interesting to say the least.

You weren't able to reach your phone so you leaned up slightly to get a glimpse at the digital clock on the bedside table, finding it was only 7:30.

You definitely were not an early bird, but after yesterday, you wanted to make this day as special as possible for her. And so, after she fell asleep last night, you went ahead and called off shift, planning a whole day with her.

You slowly lifted Cate's head from your body, gently setting it onto a pillow and sliding out from her embrace. She stirred for a moment but snuggled back into the comforter rather quickly.

You let out a small sigh, making your way into the walk-in closet to steal some clothes. After getting yourself to a presentable state, you wandered downstairs. You were surprised to see Dash fully dressed, laying on the couch.

"What're you doing up so early?" You asked quietly, making your way into the kitchen.

"My dad's picking me up soon. He said he had something for us to do today. Who knows, honestly," Dash responded with a yawn.

You opened the fridge, pulling out a carton of eggs, offering, "Do you want some breakfast?"

"Are you going to poison me?" He countered.

You grabbed a bowl of the cabinet and a fork out of a drawer, returning a playful, "You ruined my plan!"

You cracked some eggs into the bowl and whisked them up. You then found a couple pans for the stove, putting a bit of butter in each one. You went on to scramble the eggs, seasoning appropriately. At the same time, you took on the challenge of making french toast. You had only conquered the task one time before so you were certainly holding your breath and hoping for the best.

Once the hot food was prepared, you retrieved some fruit and juice from the refrigerator. You let Dash dig in as he thanked you in the process. His dad promptly arrived, and so he transferred the food to a paper plate, heading out the front door. You made sure he got to the car safely before returning your attention back to the food. You made Cate a plate and poured her some orange juice before beginning your ascent back up the stairs.

You made it to Cate's bedroom, opening the door ever-so-quietly. The blonde was still fast asleep, her hair beautifully strewn all over the place. You rounded the bed to the side where she was laying, easing the glass dishes onto the table, and carefully sitting down on the mattress next to her.

Cate was facing away from you, so you started to rub her hip gently, while pressing a soft kiss to her temple and whispering, "Wake up, my love."

She must have been exhausted, your actions leaving her unphased.

You moved your head further down her body as you pursed your lips along her cheek and neck, your movement being the trigger to her awakening. You pulled back, watching her eyes slowly adjust to the light in the room and her mind recognize her whereabouts.

You placed a hand on her hair, smoothing it out, and greeting, "Good morning, beautiful."

She rolled to her back and brought her hands to her eyes, attempting to rid the sleep away.

Her deep morning voice rang through the air as she muttered a simple, "Hi."

Her eyes found yours and you took the opportunity to plant a loving kiss on her lips.

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