Chapter 47: So...

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You woke up the next morning quite groggy...and sore. You attempted to open your eyes but the light was just too bright. You reached a hand over to Cate, finding silk sheets instead. You cracked one eyelid open, scanning the room for the blonde. She was nowhere in sight.

"Caaate," you called out, hoping she was in close proximity. You waited for a moment but received no response. "Cate!"

Nothing. You groaned, rubbing the pads of your hands into your eyeballs, huffing as they fell back onto the bed. Your lower body ached. Heels never did it for you, and, apparently, Cate and the strap did it too well to you.

You reached for your phone on the side table, finding one of the Aussie's never-ending written notes next to it.

                            Went to grab Edi.
Be back soon with lunch...and cuddles.
I love you, fiancé ;)

You smiled at the sentiment and thought of cuddles with your girls. You hoped that both Edi and Cate would be up for a relaxed couple of hours before the boys came, considering yesterday's festivities, and the fact that you were off to Ohio this coming week for filming. You just wanted some peace before the chaos. But, when you actually looked at your phone, it appeared to be the contrary.

You woke up to at least one hundred notifications - at least half of them being from Sarah. You looked through the snapchats first. Sarah was yelling at you in the beginning, and then screaming through her drunkenness, and then back to yelling again. Apparently, she was highly offended that she wasn't directly notified of the engagement. She said something along the lines of kicking your ass, which made you chuckle.

You then answered some texts, most congratulating you and jokingly asking when the wedding was. You felt at home in those messages. You also went to Twitter, immediately seeing that the two of you were the stars of the latest news cycle. You found high-resolution photos, some catching your tongue slipping into Cate's mouth, so you had to zoom in, of course, and grab all the screenshots.

Just as you were thinking about getting out of bed, you heard the echoed noises of your two favorite people. You quickly threw on panties and an oversized crew that lay at your feet before making yourself comfortable again and pretending to be asleep. You attempted to keep your smile at bay when the door creaked open. Quiet shushing from Cate, followed by soft giggles from Edith, broke the sound in the room.

"Go get your Mama," Cate whispered, gently picking Edi up and placing her on the bed.

"Mama," Edi spoke softly, brushing a hair from your forehead, just as she had seen Cate do many times. You didn't stir but the older blonde caught the slight up quirk of your lip, knowing you were awake.

"Mamaaa," Edith elongated, a little more whine lacing her tone as she made her way onto your stomach.

You decided to "wake up" for her, a smile gracing your face as you opened your eyes. Edi moved to plant a peck on your lips before laying her head down on your chest. "Hi, Mama," she said quietly. Your heart melted out of your body and onto the bed beneath you.

"Hi, Sunshine," you spoke quietly, kissing the top of her head and wrapping your arms around her tiny frame.

"I missed you," she said, picking her head up to look you in the eyes.

"I missed you more. Did you have fun at Aunt Sarah's mommy's house?"

"Yeah!" She exclaimed, fully sitting up and straddling your abdomen. You widened your eyes playfully at her excitement. "We played with dollies and did puzzles and got ice cream!"

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