Chapter 30: Please

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Your feet hit the base of the stairs and a smile washed over your face as you saw Cate putting a pan in one of the ovens. It was Thanksgiving Day, and, surprisingly, you were in the best mood. Holidays were always a bit of a tricky subject, but for once, you felt at peace.

Cate turned her head at the sound of your footsteps, her own mouth widening to show teeth.

"Hi, baby girl," she said, focus returning to her next task.

You glided up behind her as she started working on, what appeared to be, the green bean casserole for the meal. You slithered your arms around her waist and pressed a kiss on her neck.

"What'd you just put in the oven?" You asked, standing on your tiptoes to peer over her shoulder.

"You are not allowed to know, it's a surprise."

"A surprise?" You questioned, peeling your hands from her body and moving beside her.

"Mhm, so no looking in that one," she said sternly, pointing her finger in your face.

You playfully moved your mouth to bite the tip of it, earning another smile from your favorite person. She removed her finger from your mouth, dramatically pretending to wipe the saliva off on her pants. Pants, by the way, that made her ass look huge. You gratefully took the opportunity to grab it harshly as you leaned in for a peck on the lips. Cate happily obliged, but when you made a move to deepen the kiss, she quickly pulled back.

"Nope. We have a lot to do within the next few hours. No time for a make out session," she explained.

You pouted extra hard and batted your eye lashes at her but she couldn't care less.

"Fine," you exaggerated with the roll of your eyes and crossing of your arms. "I'm gonna go get ready and I guess I'll be back."

As you walked off, Cate returned a sing-songy, "Thank you."

You cascaded back up the stairs, jumping in for a quick shower and making your way over to the walk-in closet. You kept bringing more of your clothes over and so Cate took it upon herself to generate a little space for you to hang your things. You didn't even have to ask, the sentiment being all her own.

Your outfit of the day consisted of some ripped, light wash skinny jeans and a loose fitting white t-shirt with an oversized, long sleeve, grey-patterned plaid shirt coat.

You borrowed Cate's makeup, pretending to know what you were doing as you padded some on. You then looked at your hair, appearing severely unkept as you pulled your scrunchie out. You went ahead and brushed through it then choosing to use a straightener. You put in two tiny braids on either side of your middle part, tying them off roughly even with your cheekbones.

After you were somewhat pleased with your appearance, you returned to assist Cate. You weren't much of a chef but you wanted to keep her company.

You stood in front of the counter, waiting for her instructions. As she checked on the turkey in the oven, you checked on her body, analyzing every curve. You would certainly carve her out of marble.

"You're staring," she noted, although her full attention was on the stripped bird in the oven.

"Yes, yes I am," you readily responded, a smile running across your lips.

She didn't say anything else but you knew she was smiling too.

"Okay, potatoes next, love," she announced, walking over to end of the island where the baskets holding the vegetables resided.

She piled quite a few into her arms, bringing them over to you and dropping them onto the counter.

Cate asked, "Help me peel?"

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