Chapter 40: Portraits

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Cate sleepily turned onto her other side, readjusting her position in bed. She reached over Edith's tiny body, hoping to lay a hand on yours, but discovering empty sheets instead. She leaned up slightly to scan the room, your figure nowhere in sight.

"Y/n?" She whisper-shouted.

She heard no response, and so, she proceeded to carefully unwrap herself from the comforter and climb out of bed. She opened the door and closed it back as gently as she could. She took a few steps down the hall before she saw a small light coming from the lower level. She folded her arms across her bust as she started to descend the stairs.

"Baby?" She said softly, wincing from the light in the room.

You jumped slightly, nearly dropping the chocolate syrup in your hand.

"Jesus!" You exclaimed. "You scared me."

Cate giggled lightly, "I'm sorry. What're you doing down here? Why aren't you in bed?"

You quickly regained your bearings, ignoring her question momentarily as you popped the syrup cap open and began to squeeze it into your glass of milk.

Cate watched you, commenting, "You are the biggest child, you know that?"

"Guilty as charged," you replied with a smile, turning the syrup back over and setting it on the counter.

Cate rolled her eyes before sitting down at the kitchen island. "You didn't answer my question."

You playfully and dramatically rolled your eyes back at her, placing the syrup back into the fridge and grabbing a spoon to mix up your favorite drink.

You started to stir, finally responding, "I had a nightmare."

"Why didn't you wake me?" Cate asked, her tone a little more serious.

"I'm okay, I promise."

You tapped the spoon, ensuring that no milk dripped onto the table before walking over and dropping it in the sink.

"Was it about the assault?" Cate questioned carefully, her eyes glued to the milk glass.

You moved your mouth to the side and bit the inside of your cheek. "My mom."

You took a drink and Cate's eyes moved to yours. You swallowed the liquid before explaining further, "We were in the car together, singing our favorite song and acting silly. She looked over at me and then...the car was hit head on. As soon as it crashed, I nearly jumped out of bed. I'm actually surprised you didn't stir."

The room fell silent momentarily before Cate spoke, gesturing to the plate of cookies on the table. "Did you really need chocolate milk when you're having chocolate chip cookies? It's literally 3 a.m."

"You can never have too much chocolate, Ms. Blanket."

"I've never gotten the appeal to chocolate, honestly," she confessed, watching you take the first bite of the cookies you helped Edith set out for Santa earlier.

You moaned at the taste in your mouth, wiping your thumb across your bottom lip and closing your eyes.

Cate shook her head side to side, letting out an airless chuckle. "You're so annoying."

You opened your eyes and smiled, grabbing another cookie before rounding the island. Cate turned on her stool, allowing you to stand between her legs. She placed her hands on your hips as you put the cookie between your teeth. You leaned down slightly, bringing your mouth closer to hers. She rolled her eyes before giving in to you.

She parted her lips and perched up, taking half of the cookie into her mouth and biting down. You pressed your lips onto hers after she bit, savoring the multitude of sensations swirling around. You both swallowed before forcefully placing your lips back on hers. You felt her smile against you, causing you to smile too.

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