Chapter 37: Dancing

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You and Cate had finally made it upstairs for the night, having decorated all of the cookies and gotten Edith to bed. The boys went off to play in the game room downstairs, leaving the two of you to turn in somewhat early. You walked into the bathroom, Cate on your heels as you both desperately needed another shower.

You looked to your right, finding Edith's dinosaur stuffed animal on the counter. You smiled at yourself, walking closer to pick it up.

"I used to love dinosaurs as a kid," you said aloud, running a hand over the soft material. "Land Before Time was one of my favorite things to watch."

"I think Dash might've watched that at one point," Cate commented, ridding herself of her jeans. "Honestly, it all blends together anymore."

You smiled again, walking past Cate and out of the room to go place the stuffed animal on Edi's bed, finding what used to be your dog, turned the baby blonde's, curled up in her usual spot alongside of her.

You put the dinosaur on Edi's pillow, patted the pup on her head and placed a kiss on Edith's cheek before turning to head back out. You paused momentarily at the door to gaze at the little girl, her Moana nightlight casting a soft glow over her face and the rest of the room. As you watched the babe, nestled into her favorite blanket, hair strewn all over the place, your heart couldn't help but melt. You never thought that you could feel so deeply for a child.

You loved your mom, yes, she was your world, but you didn't have an overly intimate connection with her. Your parents were constantly working, doing their best to keep a roof over everyone's heads, and you would never complain. They did so much for you, she did so much for you, but that emotional aspect wasn't there. And now, to have the opportunity to instill that in another human being, to give her what you never really had, it made you so excited for the future. You know she isn't yours, that she wholeheartedly belongs to Cate, but you couldn't help but think, that if this was all the world granted you for the rest of your life, these four Upton children, and you were never given the opportunity to get pregnant or have a "child of your own," you would be content.

You felt a lone tear begin to trickle down your cheek, drawing you out of your head. You quickly wiped it away and grabbed the handle of the door to pull it to a crack. You slowly walked back towards the bathroom, Cate already under the water. You took in the sight of her beautiful body for a moment before undressing yourself.

You opened the glass door and Cate automatically sensed something was off.

"Are you okay?" She asked lovingly as you pushed yourself into her embrace.

"More than," you returned quietly, digging your face into her barren chest.

Cate simply held you, your two naked bodies molding into one underneath of the water.

"I love you," you mumbled against her skin, tightening your arms around her back.

"I love you most, pretty girl," she responded, tilting your head up with her hand. She placed a delicate peck on your lips, holding your chin in her palm. She pulled back, asking again, "Are you sure everything's alright?"

You nodded the best you could with her hand keeping your chin in place, "I'm just..really happy. You, your kids. I'm just-yeah. I'm happy."

She kissed you once more and you smiled into it, but pulled away before she could deepen it.

You playfully attempted to push past her to get further under the water, stating, "I'm sorry ma'am. I would really love to fuck you in the shower again, but I'm afraid your daughter will walk in. So if you'd excuse me..."

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