Chapter 32: Lux(e)

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You were walking down Rodeo Drive, strolling by all of the fabulously luxurious shops lining every inch of the street. Your arm was linked in Emily's and you were currently talking about her job in Philadelphia.

"Eh, it's okay. The people are pretty nice. There's this one woman who is SO fine. She reminds me a little bit of Velma from Scooby Doo, you know with the black glasses. And she wears these short, like skin-tight skirts-"

"That's enough," you heard Bishop say, causing you to both burst out laughing.

"Come on, Dad. You have two gay daughters, what would you expect?" Emily countered back after the laughter died down.

You couldn't tell because Bishop and Julianne were walking in front of you, but he certainly rolled his eyes at the comment.

You leaned over to whisper in Emily's ear, "Can we go find a lingerie shop?"

Emily turned her head at you, raising her eye brows and you fervently nodded. Well done she mouthed, mentally high-fiving you.

"It's too quiet back there," Julianne voiced in a sing-songy tone, drumming up more laughter from the two of you.

"You are definitely the reason-"

Emily started to speak but got cut off by the phone ringing in your pocket. Cate. Your heart skipped a beat seeing her name dance across the screen, a reaction you hope would last forever.

"Sorry, let me take this," you announced, unlinking your arm from Emily and bringing the phone to your ear.

"Hi, my love," you answered.

"Hi, pretty girl. How are you?" Cate asked, smiling into the phone.

"Better now," you replied, a smile spreading across your face as well. "I miss you though."

"I miss you too. They just took Edi back to x-ray, I kind of had to bribe her. I told her we'd take her to get ice cream tonight...without her brothers."

"That's my girl," you chuckled. "How much longer do you think it's going to take?"

"Umm," Cate started, taking a look at her watch. "We could probably be out of here in an hour."

"Where do you wanna do lunch? We're on Rodeo right now. I was about to try to convince Emily to walk into Armani with me."

You hit Emily on the arm before pointing at the Giorgio Armani sign and widening your eyes.

"Even though we can't buy a damn thing inside," you giggled into the speaker.

Cate softly chuckled at the comment as well, stating, "There's a million things on Rodeo for food. You guys choose something and just send me the address. I'm not picky, although try to make sure it has something Edi will eat."

"Yes ma'am," you replied, starting to walk inside the store. "So do you think, 1:30?"

"1:30 is perfect," she affirmed. "Hey, do you think that we could walk around a little after, just the two of us? I'm wanting some alone time with you."

"Mmm, I'd love that. Do you think Edi would be okay going back with Julianne?" You asked, unsure if the little one would be uncomfortable or not.

Cate affirmed, "I think she would be okay. If Julianne wanted to let her swim, it wouldn't even be a question."

"Baby, these pieces are gorgeous," you commented, running a hand across a rack of dresses.

"We will have to go back so you can show me," Cate said. "Hey-hey baby, um they just came back in. Text me, okay?"

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