Chapter 15 - Boris: Uknown Practices

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Chapter 15 - Boris: "Unknown Practices"

Boris concealed the Blade of the Mirror that had been given to him, ignoring the loud breathing he was creating inside his cheap wolf mask. He walked to the bathroom door, grabbed the large, muddy gray silver handle, and pulled it open, the electronic music filling his ears again.

Walking outside into the hallway, he saw his target at the end of the hall, just turning the corner. He trailed him as the lights flashed and lasers danced around them. Boris got closer as they weaved through the crowd. Luckily, no one paid any mind to what he was wearing since there were multiple animals in the vicinity wearing masks as well.

Closer . . . closer . . . almost . . .

The wolf stopped and, thanks to Boris's quick reaction skills, he did the same, looking at the back of his pink tank top. From his view, he saw that the canine's jaw was moving and his hands were gesticulating as he presumably talked to another animal he couldn't see.

Creeping closer, the wolf-masked mammal reached back where he was concealing the Blade of the Mirror and wrapped his small brown digits around its golden handle. He inhaled deeply, then let it go. Okay, Boris . . . Are you sure you want to do this here? Dealing with the chaos after Astrid was a nightmare. But, there's no other choice. I should make it quick.

He began pulling the dagger out when the wolf turned around and Boris pointed his plastic wolf muzzle up at him, letting go of his weapon and bringing his hand back.

The wolf's blue eyes landed on him. "What are you doing?"

Boris stayed silent, blinking his darkened eyes behind his mask.

"Wait a sec, you're the otter from the bathroom!"

"Is your name Amaranthe?" Boris asked, deciding to not beat around the bush.

"You say it so formally," the wolf grinned, crossing his arms and cocking his hip. "What's it to you? Did you hear about me from someone?!"

"Yes, I did."

"So, you're here to partake of my business, huh?" Amaranthe asked, grinning. "Only previous customers recommend me! We never use real names."

Business? What the hell is he talking about? Drugs? "Well . . . yes. I'm interested!"

"Did you hear about me from the online forum? That's how most customers find me."

Boris scrambled to put sentences together in his mind. "Yes, and then someone told me about you in a direct message. They told me I could find you here. Their name was all numbers . . ."

Amaranthe smiled. "Well, they were right. This is where I pick up my customers."

"Pick up?" What is this? Anxiousness bubbled in Boris's chest. "They failed to mention that."

"Ah, not many people do," Amaranthe shrugged. "I only take cash," the wolf said. "There's an ATM outside if you need to use it before we go."

"Uh . . . certainly!" the otter nodded. "I just need to get my friend."

"Oh? A double order?" Amaranthe grinned. "Is he a cop?"

"No. We both want the product. I'm willing to pay for both of us," the otter stated.

"That's a lot of money," the dog said, tilting his head. "Just who are you?"

"Ever heard of customer confidentiality?" Boris frowned behind the gray wolf mask. "I'm wearing this mask for a reason!"

"Well, I can't argue. A lot of you do wear masks!" Amaranthe says. "Makes sense! Get your friend and the cash. I'll wait for you out back."

"A-alright, yes," Boris nodded, but his body wouldn't move.

Static Reflections: Book 1 of The Mortal Guard SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now