Chapter 48 - Nick: Emergency

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Chapter 48 - Nick: "Emergency"

Nick awoke the following day with Tålmodighed by his feet. He kicked it to the side, gently, yawning as he sat up in bed. The hyena looked around. "Adrian?"

Still nothing. The mouse must have left when he passed out the night before. Knowing Adrian, he would probably assume that Nick was just really tired and not in a void dimension pulling a sword out of thin air.

He reached over for his phone, eyes adjusting as he went to his contacts, and found Richard, wanting to speak to him.

Nick: hey

It took not even a moment until Richard responded.

Richard: Good morning, Nicholas.

Nick: how did you sleep?

Richard: Barely.

Nick: aww i'm lucky i got any considering what happened

Richard: Something happened?

Nick: yeah . . .

Richard: What was it? Are you okay?

Nick: can i make an excuse to see you?

Richard: You don't need an excuse to see me.

Nick: i don't see you over here so apparently i do

Richard: I'll be right over.

Nick smiled, setting his phone back down and laying back. Was that flirting? Did I just . . . His heart fluttered as he smiled, taking the pillow and placing it over his face. Uuuugh, feelings.


Richard arrived not ten minutes later, Nick greeting him at the door only in his underwear, not bothering to get dressed since he trusted the raccoon. "Hey. Thanks for coming," the hyena grinned as Richard walked in.

Richard put his hands on Nick's shoulders, looking him up and down. "What happened? What did he do to you?"

"Huh? What are you doing?" asked Nick, as Richard turned him left and right by his shoulders.

"You said something happened. It was with Adrian, right?"

"N-no! Richard!" Nick reddened completely, eyes widening.

"Then what is it?! What happened?!" the raccoon queried.

Nick slowly brought his hands up and grabbed his partner's. "Dick, did you really think I did something like that with Adrian?"

"Y-you said you had a history . . . I thought maybe you would have rekindled it."

Nick kept Richard's hand as he put his free hand on his hip. "Yeah, well, what I didn't tell you is that when he asked me out, I rejected him. I know how intense he is with that stuff. We never went that far."

Richard looked down. "Ah. Sorry . . ."

Nick chuckled gently. "Come on. Let me show you what really happened." He pulled the older animal along, bringing him to his room, where Tålmodighed and its sheath sat on the bed. The hyena walked over and picked it up, turning the thing in his hands. "Ever seen something like this before?" He handed it to Richard.

The taller animal inspected it closely. "Where . . . Where did you get this?"

"I know it might sound crazy, but when Adrian and I were hanging out, I ended up falling asleep. I woke up in this quiet void, and this sword appeared to me there. And then, I met Absalom."

Static Reflections: Book 1 of The Mortal Guard SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now