Chapter 38 - Nick: This Reality Has Ended

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Chapter 38 - Nick: "This Reality Has Ended"

Waking up out of the void he was drifting in for who knows how long, Nick opened his eyes to a familiar white room. Immediately, he registered that it was the Medical Sect. Before anything else, he lifted his left arm, which didn't hurt anymore. Miraculously, he had five fingers on his hand, which had returned to its rightful place. Thank the gods. Fuck.

"Nicholas!" A voice said from his right, and he looked over, seeing Richard there, with an uninjured face. "You woke up."

"Thankfully . . ." Nick smiled. They both stared at one another for a long moment, just taking in the safety of the other. "I didn't kill you."

"No. You . . . you saved me."

"Think Boris will ever say that to me?" Nick half-joked.

Richard stood up out of his chair, coming over and wrapping his arms around the hyena, squeezing him. "Someday."

Nick sighed, hugging him back just as tightly. "What happened . . . ?"

"What do you mean?"

"While that mask was on you. Did you see anything?" Nick queried, rubbing up and down Richard's warm back slowly.

"Yes . . . I did." His friend's voice dropped down low. "At first, I thought it was a bad dream. I was back in the alternate timeline. In that place . . . ." He shuddered. "Then darkness consumed me, and I felt my body lift off the couch. I could see it all, but I couldn't feel anything. When it made me attack you, I saw everything." Richard's ears flattened. "Oh, Nick . . . I'm so sorry I hurt you. I never wanted to."

"You couldn't help yourself . . . ." Nick whispered. "And before I bashed your face in, I saw it in your eyes. You knew."

"Yes," Richard nodded. "You and I both knew it was the only way. You did it."

Nick closed his eyes, smiling. "I did. It totally got a bit dramatic there for a while. I thought I was seriously gonna die, though."

"I'm so glad you didn't," Richard whispered, not letting go of him. "I'm not sure I could have gotten over such a bright light going out."

". . . I wanna make jokes and mess around, but I seriously feel fucked up. Like, I need a long shower, and I just want to be alone."

"Oh . . . ." Yet, Richard still didn't release him.

"I didn't mean from you. I just know that when they come in here, they're going to want to get right to business and . . . I honestly don't care right now. I need time."

"Well, you're supposed to go to Trauma after this. Would that help?" asked Richard.

Nick shook his head. "No. I don't want to talk. I just want to respect Jack. I know what they're going to do to Veronica when they put her back. If they do. So I want to be the one who remembers."

Richard nuzzled him, then. "How can one animal care so much about someone he has never met?"

"Because, Richard. He was still someone," Nick said.

"I wish I had that," the raccoon stated. "But all I wish is that I could forget, and I'm sorry for that."

Nick brought a hand up and stroked his ear, causing it to twitch. ". . . Is this okay?"


"Touching . . . like this?"


A doctor came in through the door, a honey badger wearing a lab coat with a red armband on it. Richard quickly pulled back and sat down. "Oh, great! You're awake! And responding to touch well, it seems."

Static Reflections: Book 1 of The Mortal Guard SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now