Chapter 59 - Adam and Tyler: Secrets of the Body

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Chapter 59 - Adam and Tyler: "Secrets of the Body"

Adam followed the directions on the car's screen accordingly, still attempting to wrap his head around the entire night. He had woken up in 2021, gone out to hunt a feral animal for blood, got teleported to a strange realm and was told he could see Neil again, tried to kill Tyler, the animal that had been kind to him, and then got teleported to another strange realm and did see Neil again, one last time. Adam had to keep from crying the whole way.

Once he arrived back at the manor, he sat in the front seat, wiping his eyes and looking at the large house. There would be no way he would be able to drag Tyler all the way over there. "Yo, Tyler! Hey, Tyler! Wake up!" He snapped his digits multiple times. When the canine didn't move, Adam reached over and pinched his neck hard.

Tyler's eyes flew open and he looked around. "Mm, wha?! Mmm, mmph. . . mm?!" The pain hit him as he sat back. "Mmm . . ." It took a second more before he realized he was gagged and his eyes widened, snapping to Adam angrily.

"Calm down, calm down! I only did it to try and slow the bleeding! I promise I wasn't gonna do anything! Look!" Adam carefully brought his hands up to Tyler's mouth. The canine just kept his brown eyes on him, watching for any sudden movements. Adam untied the shirt and pulled it from his maw. "I need you to tell me how to call Lee," Adam said. "I don't know how to use your phone and you're wicked injured."

"Are you gonna . . . kill me . . . ?" Tyler asked, his voice coming out very low.

"No! No, I'm done with all that shit," Adam said. "I'll tell ya later but right now I gotta call Lee." He grabbed Tyler's Rhiphone and held it over.

The canine weakly unlocked it with his digit and tapped around, opening the contacts. "In the search bar . . . type 'Leah.'"

"Uh, okay . . ." Adam blinked, trying to follow Tyler's example and tapping on the screen. When the digital keyboard came up, he spelled out 'l-e-a-h' slowly. The contact 'Leah Downing' came up and he tapped on it. Seeing the 'Call' button, he pressed it and held the phone up to his ear, waiting as it rang.

"Hello? Tyler? I'm kinda in the middle of something," Leah said.

"Lee!" Adam yelped. "Come outside the gate, right now! I know I said you could trust me and shit but I totally burned you! I tried to kill Tyler!"

"What?!" Leah gasped. "Where the hell is he?! What happened?!"

"Just come outside, dude! I'm having a cow!"

"I'll be right there!" Leah yelled, hanging up the phone.


By the time she got there, still wearing her pajamas and tennis shoes, she opened the door and looked inside, mouth falling open. Tyler had passed out again, but blood had completely stained the fur on his cheek and the shoulder of his shirt. He was still covered in pine needles, dirt, and grass. "Oh, my gods . . . What the fuck happened? There's a hole in his cheek!"

"I stabbed him with this crazy blade!" the shirtless Adam exclaimed. "And then hit him with the car!"

"Why?!" Leah checked Tyler's pulse and glanced at the body of her brother, occupied by a stranger.

"There's a lot I need to tell you," said Adam. "So much happened while we were out, somehow."

"This must have been one of the most insane twenty-four-hour periods in Tyler's life," Leah commented. "Alright, I'm going to teleport him into the tub."

"You can do that?" Adam gawked.

"It's against coven rules to use teleportation unless it's absolutely necessary. We always master it for emergencies, but spells like healing take a little more time."

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