Chapter 30 - Nick: The Yellow Tie

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Chapter 30 - Nick: "The Yellow Tie"

The training was over before either Nick or Richard knew it. It was by no means an easy task, due to Nick having a lot more trouble fighting blindfolded than he did shooting the Prism Pistol. In fact, this was the phase that took the longest.

And there was quite a lot to learn. The hyena gained knowledge on hand-to-hand combat, getting on walls, stealth, and finding things while unable to see. But most of all and most difficult of all, he learned how to memorize the room he was in to navigate it better when he was blindfolded.

Richard, as always, was encouraging and understanding. As they got to the end, his demeanor changed, though. He seemed to be rather despondent and not as cheery as before. Nick tried to press for info but the raccoon wouldn't spill the information.

On the long-awaited final day of training, Nick hadn't even realized it would be the final day until Richard walked up to him at the end.

The raccoon stood there, just looking at him. "And that's it."

"Awesome. I'm so exhausted. But tomorrow—" Nick began, panting.

"There's no tomorrow," Richard said. "That's it."

"W-wait." Nick's smile disappeared. "You mean . . . I'm done training?"

Richard simply nodded.

The hyena looked around. "Are you sure? Don't you think there's something I could use improvement on? I'm still not quite perfect on the Prism Pistol."

The older animal brought a hand up and placed it on Nick's shoulder. "There's nothing left to teach you, Nicholas. You're ready for your first mission."

Nick's heart jumped in his chest. "Really?"


"And you're gonna accompany me on it?"


"And then?"

". . ." Richard didn't respond. They both knew the answer.


Come morning, Nick was already awake by the time there was a knock on his door. The hyena opened it and saw that both Richard and Victor were there.

Nick looked between them. "I guess this is it, then?"

Richard nodded. "You won't be returning to the Institute."

Nick swallowed and looked around. "Wow . . . feels like I just got here."

"Well, the good news is not much time has passed in the present, at least," Victor laughed. "But damn is this bittersweet."

Nick scratched his cheek. "What about all my stuff? My DOS and shit?"

"That's what I'm here for," Victor grinned. "I'll make sure all of your stuff gets to your new residence so you can come home to it."

The hyena sighed. "Can I just get one second to change and be alone, please?"

"Sure, sure!" Victor said, stepping back.

Nick shut the door a little harder than he wanted to, turning around and going to his uniform, which he began slipping on. He thought he'd be excited to leave, but there was a sour taste on his tongue. After all, he had gotten used to everything here, and now he was leaving it behind. He already knew what Richard would do after the first mission was over. Would they ever see each other again? Would his new partner be as patient and kind and dedicated?

Static Reflections: Book 1 of The Mortal Guard SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now