Chapter 24

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Gauri's Pov

It's been almost a week since we both were leaving apart. I could clearly see the sadness of his eyes, his longing even I wanted to end this separation but something was in me not satisfied.

I wanted him to love the relation we have, never even in his dream he should make fun of it or insult it.

It was Friday last working day of the week means last day I'll see him in this week, even though we met everyday still it felt so hard don't know how will I survive weekend without seeing him.

The way he had his eyes always on me it made me nervous but also it makes me happy. Whenever I caught him staring at me he behaved like some teenage guy. I never knew he could look this cute.

It was an important day because Mr Vohra, our priority client was visiting. Though I was all prepared for the internal meeting with him but I have heard how he was rude and arrogant man.

As much data I have collected about him, he is a man in his late fifties, very passionate and serious about his work. A totally money minded businessman.

Priya our receptionist seemed very nervous.

"He is just like our any other client, why are you being extra worked up about him?" I asked her.

"Mam, you don't know him. When last time he visited, he almost fired me. He is very arrogant, he hates employees who makes mistake"

His extra angry behaviour must makes people nervous which lead to extra mistakes.

"His company's staff must be happy today because at least for a day they are free from that angry boss" I made fake angry face while saying last line.

We both burst into laughter.

"Jokes apart Priya, but even I need to be careful, afterall I'm also just an employee"

"Chill mam, you are married to our sir"

"But it's not yet revealed yet and I don't want any benefit of my father's name or my husband's name"

We heard footsteps, Omkara was limping towards his cabin. He looked in ugly mood.

What now? Did that hotel receptionist again tried to woo my man?

Ha can handle her. I need to focus on Mr Vohra's visit.

That client was really something, I never saw whole staff being this careful and scared. As the time neared of his arrival I double checked everything.

Omkara was attending an online meeting, it was supposed to end 15minutes back but it was taking long.

I ordered lunch for him, as soon as that meeting will end I'll ask him to have it because this meeting was taking his lunch break time.

After lunch we have meeting with Mr Vohra. Finally his meeting ended.

"Sir we don't have much time for next meeting, please have your lunch"

He didn't reply. He sat on his chair and opened his shirt first button. He seemed very tired.

He had already lined up meetings on the day, because of our trip the work was increased 10times and this client had arranged meeting suddenly, with just a prior day notice.

Looking him tired and stressed my heart went out for him. He had closed his eyes.

I walked to him and lovingly touched his head. He suddenly hugged my stomach.

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