Normal day, please?

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Mangle's P.O.V.

The weekend went by so fast. Probably because I was with Foxy the entire time. He helped me feel better from what I told him about the whole Spring-trap incident. He also spoiled me by taking me shopping. He didn’t have to, but he did it anyway. 
I love him so much that he even stayed the night with me, just to make sure that I’ll be fine.
Chi and Chica have been blowing up my phone making sure that I was okay. I forgot to tell them that I made it home and give them updates. I feel bad now. But Foxy was able to calm them down and tell them that I was doing better. 

I begin to wake up by my annoying alarm clock. I turn it off and feel Foxy’s arms around my waist. I smile and turn my head to see him peacefully sleeping. 
I reach over and start shaking him to wake him up. He groans and buries his face in my hair. 
“Babe, it’s time to get up.” I tell him as I try to break free from his arms. But he groans again and only pulls me closer to him, not letting me go. “Five more minutes.” He says in a low voice. 
I look up at the ceiling thinking he’s being a child about this. I say, “No babe, we have school.” I finally break free from his arms and stand up on the floor and look at him as he moves his arms around the bed, searching for me. He opens his eyes, seeing me standing in front of the bed. He turns over on his back and sits up. 
I turn around, grab my clothes on the dresser and start to change into them. I feel Foxy’s eyes on me as I change and all I do is smile. When I finish, I turn my head to look at him and see a smile on his face. I smile back and walk into my bathroom. I grab my hair brush and start brushing my hair. I hear Foxy get out of bed and out of the corner of the mirror, see him changing into his clothes of the day. 
I put my brush away and start working on my make-up. Something simple like mascara, eyeliner, light eyeshadow and a little blush. I see Foxy stand next to me and I’m finishing my eyeliner. He grabs his comb and runs it through his hair. I watch him as I put the eyeliner down. He then starts running his fingers through his hair to make it a little messy. 
I love it when his hair is messy. Especially when I make it messy for him. 
I smile at him and he smiles back, looking at me in the mirror. He leans down and kisses my cheek. 
“I love you.” He whispers in my ear lovingly. 
“I love you, too.” I say as I kiss his cheek and walk out of the bathroom and grab my shoes. I slip them on easily and stand up to grab my stuff for school. Foxy quickly puts his shoes on and his stuff for school. 
“Ready?” Foxy asks as he grabs his car keys.
“Ready.” I reply with a smile. Foxy smiles back, takes hold of my hand and we start making our way out of the house to his car. Foxy opens my door for me and I get in. After closing the door, he gets in on the driver's side and starts up the car. I put my seatbelt on and so does Foxy. Soon enough, we’re on our way to school. Foxy turns on the radio and the song Waiting by Dash Berlin ft. Emma Hewitt plays in the car. I begin to sing with her as the song begins to make me feel something that I’ve never felt before. I’m gonna have to remember this song later.
Foxy parks in his normal parking spot in the student parking lot. He turned off the car and I started getting out of the car. I look around the parking lot seeing everyone else getting out of their cars or walking inside the building. I stop looking around when I feel Foxy wrap his arm around my waist. I look up at him and smile. He looks back at me and smiles, then he leans down and kisses my cheek. “Let's go inside.” He whispers in my ear that sends chills throughout my body. I nod at him, agreeing with him and we start walking inside.
As we walk through the halls, I keep my guard up incase Spring trap pops up and decides to do something stupid. I hope he doesn’t do anything to us today, I’m not in the mood.
I look down the hall to all of our friends chit chatting. I smile as we make our way to them. I see Chi waving over to us, then everyone looks at us. 
“Hey guys.” Foxy says as we join the group. 
“How's it going dude?” Bonnie asks as they shake each other's hands.
“Going good, bro.” He responds.
“You missed it last week bro. We kicked the shit out of Spring trap.” Freddy says with the biggest smirk on his face.
“Yea, Mangle told me. Honestly wish I was there.” He says as I see him tense up a bit. Probably getting his guard up in case he does show up. 
“Oh, before I forget, I have something to tell everyone.” Freddy says and everyone is looking at him.
“What is it?” Bonnie asks as he wraps an arm around Chi’s shoulder.
“My big brother, Golden Freddy, is back in town.” He looks down, not happy about it.
“What? Big brother? Why didn’t you tell us about him?” Bonnie asks, shocked as hell. Heck, I didn’t even know he had a brother. As I look at everyone, it seems they didn’t know either because of their confused faces.
“Where has he been all this time.?” Foxy asks.
“Who the hell knows. He never told us where he went and he just showed up out of the blue. I guess he finally had some sense knocked in his brain and wants to be with his family, but I’m not accepting it.” Freddy says with any look. 
“Why?” I ask him.
“Because he left me when I was a young and a little brother should look up to his big brother, but since he wasn’t there for me, I don’t want to accept anything from him.” He said, kind of pissed off. 
We all stay silent for a good minute, until the bell rings. We all grab out stuff for class and start making our way to the first period. 
-Time skip to lunch-
I wait outside my classroom door, waiting for Foxy. I look up and down the halls, keeping my eye out for him, then I finally see him. When I see him walking to me, I see Spring trap behind him. I start to get worried and I notice Foxy seeing my face. Foxy stops walking and looks over his shoulder and notices Spring trap behind him. Spring trap walks past Foxy, without saying a word and he even walks past me, not even looking at me. 
I sigh in relief and quickly go to Foxy. He opens his arms as I go to him and I gladly go into them. He rubs my back and kisses the top of my head. Foxy and I don’t say anything as he holds me close. 
Minutes pass by and Foxy breaks the silence. “We should get going. Everyone must be worried about where we are.” I nod at him and we start to walk to the cafeteria. When we walk in, I see Chi sitting on the table, looking around. Probably looking for us. She finally sees us and waves at us. We start walking to the table and Chi asks the first question. “Where were you guys? Lunch is almost over.”
“We saw Spring trap and we didn’t know if he was gonna do anything. He didn’t even look at us or say anything.” Foxy says as he sits down and I sit on his lap.
“Really? Not even a glance?” Chica asks.
“Nope. He just walked past us.” I say as Foxy wraps his arms around my waist. 
For the rest of lunch, we all just hung out and talked, enjoying each other's company. 
Feels like time has passed by so quickly because the school day is already over. I’m just happy that today was a normal day and Spring trap didn’t do anything to us. I wonder if he finally learned his lesson. 
I stand by Foxy’s car, waiting for him, but Chi is with me to keep me company until he shows up. Soon enough, Foxy comes up behind me, wraps his arms around me as he buries his face in my neck. I giggle and see Chi smile. “See you tomorrow Mangle.” Chi says as she walks away. “Bye Chi.” I say as she walks away. 
Foxy turns me around so I’m looking at him and I wrap my arms around his neck. We smile at each other as Foxy leans in and kisses me. I kiss him back and soon the kiss turns more passionate. He pulls away, breaking for air and says, “Let's go home.” I nod at him as we get in the car. 

Hi everyone. I know, I know, it's been a long time since I made another part. I've been really busy and it's been killing me to make another chapter. But I was able to make time and make another one. Hopefully soon, I'll make another chapter. Thank u everyone for being patient with me and I hope u enjoy.
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